Chapter Sixteen: Eren!

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[Name]'s face instantly turned from its usual [s/c] to a dark shade of red from the comment Sasha just made seconds ago. Sasha was bent over laughing from [Name]'s reaction by now which only made [Name]'s blush darken even more. A light shade of pink spread across Jean's face as he moved his eyes to keep from making eye contact with anybody. 

"Actually, no. She's the one I trust the most and been with the most." Levi stated bluntly while glaring at Sasha as her giggles came to an end. Sasha frowned and puffed out her cheeks, obviously annoyed and slightly upset.

"Well we never know. You could be hiding a secret crush on her from us," Sasha said smirking as Levi narrowed his grey eyes at her. Levi scoffed and shook his head. 

"I doubt I would develop a crush on someone I met only two days ago. Plus, if that were the case I surely wouldn't be crushing on this one." [Name] raised her eyebrow amused.

"Oh? And what's so bad about that?" [Name] asked, her eyes filling with curiosity and amusement. 

Levi rolled his eyes. "Obviously everything." 

[Name] narrowed her [e/c] eyes at him and frowned. Jean stood there awkwardly not know what to do or say. His face remained straight but confused. The bickering between the two reminded him of a married couple that's been together since they're early years. [Name] removed her eyes from Levi (even though she wanted to kick him until he dropped dead because of his rudeness) and they eventually found Eren looking down while he leaned up against the wall and crossed his arms; obviously lost in thought. 

"Hey, Eren!" [Name] shouted over to him with a revengeful smile on her face. Eren looked up and met her eyes but they his eyes moved to Jean who glared at him, then to Levi who was mentally killing him by using his eyes as knifes -- no, chainsaws. 

"W-What?" Eren asked nervously. He wasn't paying attention to what was going on and was totally lost and confused about the whole deal. Not to mention; slightly scared. 

"Would you like to be my partner?" [Name] asked nicely and tilted her head to the side innocently. Eren's face heated up slightly and he shook his head violently. 

"U-Um, no thank you!" Eren said unwillingly. Honestly, he'd love to be her partner. But from the looks he was getting from Jean and Levi suddenly made him change his mind. [Name] frowned and walked over to him, ripping her arms free of the two boys' grips. 

"To bad," [Name] smirked, her facial expression changing from upset to happy. Eren's eyes widened as [Name] pulled on his arm and started dragging him to the other side of the mall where a door that said 'BASEMENT' pressed up against the wall.

"Me and Eren will get the basement, and you guys split the floors in half and one group takes a half. Okay? Okay." [Name] said quickly and threw the door open and pulled Eren in, ignoring his loud arguments. Connie walked over to Sasha and nodded to the other before walking up the stairs to the second level and taking the left side of it. Jean shrugged and pulled Marco along as he followed them up there, but taking the right side. Mikasa and Armin walk to the right side of the first level without a word, leaving Levi by himself. 

Levi rolled his eyes and shrugged before walking into a random store on his side of the floor. Even though he was still slightly angry at [Name] for her little stunt, one thing kept nagging at his mind.

Why did he even care?

*     *     *

"Jean will you please stop purposely angering the man? His eyes can kill!" Marco said waving his arms around as he talked. Jean rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Please, he's just to jealous for his own good. It's not like he owns her or something." Jean said, mumbling the last part to himself but Marco heard it loud and clear. Marco sighed and shook his head in slight disappointment. 

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