Chapter Eight: 'Rotten Potatoes'

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The four survivors walked out of the now emptied Pharmacy and into the mess of a street. The large white van that [Name] and Levi had drove to this part of town sat still in between two blue cars. [Name] had given Sasha her axe, and Connie her hammer so they'd have at least some protection. Levi refused to give them anything, and since [Name] was too nice of a person, she ended giving them weapons. Sasha had grabbed for the axe immediately 'cause supposedly Sasha lived in the country when she was younger and her father had taught her how to hunt with different types of weapons -- but honestly she just thought having the axe made her look more bad ass than Connie. 

"Is that your guys van?" Connie asked as they walked over to it. [Name] nodded, "Yeah. There's three seats in the back, so just throw the extra bags behind it." Connie nodded and pushed open the backseat door. Like [Name] had said, there were three seats. There was also a large space behind it that could easily fit a bed. Overall -- the van was pretty big. 

Sasha and Connie climbed in the back and tossed the two extra bags of medical supplies and food in the back. [Name] had gotten shotgun again, while Levi went back to being the driver of the van. He'd barely spoken since [Name] and him had rescued the two pharmacy workers. It didn't really bother [Name] -- actually, she was quite happy considering his strange silence meant no rude and sarcastic remarks of his that she had come to known was his favorite hobby. 

Levi started up the engine and started driving to no specific designation. As they drove past the ruined shops and stores, the van was filled with nothing but uncomfortable silence. No one knew what to say -- who would? The world was basically over now; there wouldn't possibly be a day where everything would go back to normal. At least, that's what [Name] thought. She couldn't imagine the world recovering over something like this. So many friends and family had been killed from it, the world was nothing but dead now. 

At least they didn't have to worry about global warming anymore. 

It's funny -- everyone had been sure that global warming would be the end of the world. That one day, all the glaciers in the world would melt from the lack of protection around the Earth that was caused by all the chemicals in the air, and overflow the land with water; drowning anything and everything that lived on it. Part of [Name] was glad she didn't have to worry about that; drowning is on her number one scariest death she does not want to happen, aside from burning alive. But now both of those death fears had been replace by the death everyone had been going through since the beginning of the day -- to those things. 

"What are those things even called?" Connie asked as he watched one of them eat the insides of a corpse in the middle of the sidewalk. It was gross, and had made him lose any appetite he had -- if he had any to begin with. [Name]'s eyes traveled to the same monster on the sidewalk then shrugged. 

"Honestly, I don't know. I've just been calling them zombies," [Name] sighed.

"Zombies, eh? Not bad. But what about 'The Infected'?" Connie suggested, rubbing his chin to make it look like he was thinking. 

"Or maybe, 'the ones of death'?" Connie continued to come up with different names and terms until Sasha interrupted him. 

"Ooh! What about the 'rotten potatoes'?" She asked with a smile on her face. Everyone gave her a weird look -- even Levi.

"'Oh look over there, it's a rotten potato eating a dead body!' Do you know how fucking stupid that sounds?" Levi asked coldly. [Name] silently laughed at his comment as Sasha frowned. "Sasha, how the heck did you come up with that?" Connie asked giving her a confused look. Sasha shrugged, "They smell like one." Now that made both Connie and [Name] laugh, but they stopped as soon as Levi gave them one of his annoyed glares. 

"Where are we even going?" Sasha asked looking out the windshield. They have been driving for hours now, make jokes and having Levi insult them. The cycle just kept repeating itself -- one of them makes a stupid joke, the other two laugh, then Levi glares at them and tells them their idiots. 

Yep, just like that. Over, and over again. 

"I don't fucking know. We're on the fast lane to somewhere," Levi said rolling his steel blue eyes. [Name] sighed and leaned up against the door and stared out the window. They weren't in Los Angeles anymore, but it still looked like Hell wherever they were now. 

"Look! There's a sign!" Connie said pointing out the windshield at a sign that was too far to read. [Name] squinted and attempted to read it, but failed. "It's too far to read right now," [Name] sighed. They got closer to the sign, and this time she was able to read it.

"Welcome to Washington!"



Crappy update.

Sorry :/

Writers block is real >.<

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