Derek Strong (Remake)

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Nickname: Demon Wolf, Wolfie(certain people only), and The Specialist

Age: Same as Qrow

Gender: Male

Race: Half Faunus Half Demon

Symbol: The Chaos Symbol
Chaos is in his life and he is quick to embrace it or channel it

Affiliation(s): Atlas Specialist Program after graduating from Beacon Academy.

The Character's Appearance

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 164 lbs

Eye Colour: MisMatched: One Crimson One Black

Hair: Short Black Slicked back

Status: Active

Occupation: Hunter

Clothing: Head: Beret and Eyepatch over Crimson eye Body: Long Coat, Shirt, Pant, Fingerless gloves and Combat Boots

Outfit Colours: Black and Crimson

Physical Characteristics: Two faunus features: Wolf ears and Wolf Tail, A scar going vertically over his left eye

Accessories: An Arrow necklace from his adopted father Alex Strong given to Derek before his father's death, A ruby ring given to him by Summer's parents who adopted him and a Crimson Crystal Necklace

Personality: Sarcastic, Smartass, Creative, Clever, Loyal, Protective, Intuitive, Bit Crazy, Blunt, Cold (Towards certain people) and Caring (Towards people he loves)

Fear(s): Losing the ones he cares for and loves

Likes: Music, His Weapons, Friends, Family and Reading

Dislikes: Bullies, Demons, Salem, Ironwood, and Occasionally Ozpin

Habit(s): He has the habit of drinking coffee in the morning to keep his demonic side satisfied

Fatal Flaw(s): Gets beyond furious when seeing his real father or seeing loved ones die

Strengths: Quick, Calculated, and Hard to beat

Weaknesses: When angry or furious he gets sloppy and not as calculated


Weapon Name: Kindness, Wolf's Fang, Wolf's Claw, Blood and Full Moon and Demon's Fist

Weapon Description:
Kindness: A Crimson and Black Katana
Wolf's Fang: A black Dagger
Wolf's Claw: A crimson and black Scythe that like Creasant Rose is also a sniper
Blood Moon: Crimson Revolver
Full Moon: White Five Seven like pistol
Demon's Fist: A black gauntlet that can use dust

Relationship With Others

Reputation: Neutral

Friends: Summer Rose, Qrow Branwen, Shadow and Light Miles, Coal Branwen, Ember Fall, Cinder Fall and Sammy Smith

Team: Team DARC

Enemy(ies): Salem, Hazel and Tyrian

The Character's Abilities

Agility: 6/10

Swordsmanship: 8/10

Long Range Accuracy: 9/10

Defense: 7/10

Offense: 7/10

Aura: 8/10

People Skills: 5/10

Special Skill(s)/ Semblance:
Special Skills: Night vision and transformation(Wolf, Bat or a Demonic combination)
Semblance: Semblance Manipulation(Can use other people's semblances at a high cost of Aura)

Aura: Crimson

Brief History: Derek Strong is the son of a wolf faunus and a demon. His mother abandoned him and left him for dead but a hunter named Alex Strong found him and raised him. However when Derek was ten years old Grimm attacked and Alex fought them off after hiding him. Alex died and the grimm retreated leaving Derek alone. He wandered a bit till Summer's father found him and with his wife's permission they adopted him. Derek and Summer treated each other equally and Summer defended him against Faunus haters. They went to Beacon where Derek ended up falling in love twice only to have each time ripped from him. After graduating from beacon he became a full time huntsman.

Trivia: He has two Voices in his head
Kered: His Demonic Side
Krim: His Animalistic Psychopathe side

Theme: Misery Loves My Company

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