Carbin Ozpin

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Age: 17
Gender: Male
Parents: Salem and Ozpin

Looks: Silver hair, Red eyes with black around them, pale skin, Black pants, Red and Black shirt, Black combat boots and fingerless gloves.

Personality: Cold, Distant, Sarcastic, Smartass,(at first)
Protective, Caring, Kind and Considerate.

Likes: Ozpin, Shadow, Qrow, Teams RWBY, CFVY & JNPR, Dedication and Friends

Dislikes: Salem, Ironwood, Tai, Grimm and Bullies.

Weapon: Carbin Shot- Dual arm blades with shotguns.

Semblance: Absorption- Absorbs damage, aura, semblances, maiden powers and life. Doesn't use it except against damage.

Backstory: Carbin is the product of a one time thing between Salem and Ozpin. After he was four or five Salem tried to train him to be a killing machine but Carbin refused to kill if not prompted to. Salem then banished him from her realm. He was found a year later by Shadow Miles and raised by him.

Additional Info: He can control grimm

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