Ebony Diablo

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• Nickname(s): Eb, Drago, Mutie, Psycho, Dagger Boy, My Dragon(only his girlfriend can call him this)

• Age:
Volume 1-3: 17
Volume 4: 18
Volume 5: 19
Volume 6: 20
Volume 7: 20

• Gender: Male

• Race: Dragon Faunus

• Personality: Quiet, Sarcastic, Smartass, Childish, Immature, Crazy, Goofy, Lovable, Protective and Loyal as hell

• Looks:

• Attire: Same as Above

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• Attire: Same as Above

• Likes: Soul, Ashe, Nora, Ren, Velvet, His daggers, Pizza, Whiskey, Anyone who doesn't try touching his wings

• Dislikes: Having his wings touched, Bullies, Cinder, Salem, Mercury, Adam

• Fears: Unknown though there is speculation that it involves his village

• Goals: Also Unknown except by Soul and Ashe

• Quote: "Ah go fuck yourself before I gut you open."

• Theme: Courtesy Call- TFK

• Relatives: None alive though considers Soul and Ashe family

• Current status: Alive

• Previous affiliation: Salem's army

  - Current affiliation:
Wherever Soul and Ashe side with

• Current occupation: Huntsman in training

• Aura: Ebony

• Semblance: Master Mind- Telepathy and Telekinesis

• Weapon:
Ebony and Crimson- Dual black and crimson daggers that are sheathed on his ankles

Sharp Kicks- Daggers that extend out of the sides of his boots

Hell and Heaven- Dual Fire and Ice Dust Dagger that are sheathed on his side

A back up dagger sheathed on his lower back

• Relies on [What does your character excel at in battle?]: Depends on the situation

• Team Name: EA

   - Teammates: Ashe Fall

• Backstory: Once lived with his family in a small village until it was attacked by grimm. He got seperated from his parents before running across Ren and Nora. The three traveled together for a long time until Ebony led a group of grimm away so Ren and Nora could get away. After losing the Grimm Ebony couldn't find his friends and continued on his own until he was attacked by grimm. He fought hard but nearly died had Soul and Ashe not rescued him. Ebony swore loyalty to the two and that was that. After serving Cinder along side Soul the two left after the Breach happened and joined Beacon where Ebony waa reunited with two old pals.

• Additonal info: Gets bored very easily

• Symbol: A Dragon Skull with a hand print on its head

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