Alex & Jane Crimson

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Age: 20
Genders: Male & Female
Species: Half Devil Half Faunus
Parents: Lucifer and Julie Crimson
Sibling: Nick "Joker" Crimson

Alex: Black Hair with a White streak, black eyes with crimson streaks, black long coat, white shirt, black pants, white combat boots, fingerless gloves

Jane: White hair with a black streak, Crimson eyes with black streaks, White long coat, Black shirt, White pants, Black Combat Boots and fingerless gloves

Alex: Sarcastic, Smartass, Cold, Protective, Blunt

Jane: Sweet, Kind, Overly protective, Blunt

Likes: Their Team, Parents, Balance and their little Brother Nick

Dislikes: Nicholas, Hailey, Neil and Daisy....also Ozpin and Ironwood

Alex: Yin- A Black scythe
Jane: Yang- A White Katana

Alex: Darkness
Jane: Light
They are like a yin yang. Perfectly balanced

Backstory: They are the son and daughter of Lucifer and stayed in hell to train. They were accepted into beacon and were in their first year when Nick was found by Luci.

Alex: Cradle To The Grave
Jane: Warrior

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