Chapter One

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     My name is Rayla. My mate and second call me Raya.
I'm the alpha of the whispering shores pack. Werewolves. Yes I'm a female. Not traditional not right not right. It was everything the man before me was preaching.

     I laughed. A dry cracked thing filled with years of bitterness.

“Excuse me?” The man asked disdain practically dripping from his words. I silently took in my surroundings. The meeting cave was dark even with the torches compared to the light that shone in.  The stone was a dark blue with a hint of green, but in the case of no light it was pitch black.

“I'm sorry.” I said with a giggle forgetting the man's name. My face was heated but I couldn't stop giggling. “But sir,” I managed to say taking a breath, “You truly believe your babbling will make me step down from my role as Alpha?”

“You are not Alpha!” He said his face turning red. “You are the Luna to the Black Rocks Pack and your Mate demands you back!” More giggles escaped me. I leaned over the arm of my little throne laughing. Beta Alexander my second was smirking at the bottom of the raised dias my chair sat upon. A few of my pack members sat in benches arranged facing forward, they all looked quite amused.

     The man looked furious. I swear I could see the veins stand out at him straining himself. It made me laugh even more to the point that I had to fan myself.

     After a moment or two I was able to collect myself enough to stand up and breath. I walked to the side of my throne. It was made of the darkest wood, bits of black stone and sand had been beaten into it making abstract patterns and scenes. I ran my hand along the huge antlers that had been put in the chair to my fascination.

“Sir.” I said. “Are you aware of how I became the alpha?”

“You became a traitor to your pack and ma--"

“On the contrary.” I said. My Beta sighed. I didn't blame him. The amount of times I had explain this to wandering morons was insanity. “My Mate built this Throne for me. These antlers were from a stag he killed the day he found me in the black water. He declared me the Alpha.” I explained.

“And what was your life before Alpha Thane found you?” He said grinning like a sly cat. My face became stone. He knew then.

“I wish I could tell you.” I said. “The oldest memory I have was him dragging me from the water.” I glanced to the cave entrance. I could hear the sea raging as it always did. It was too bright to make out the water but I knew it wasn't to far from the cave.

“You sound to me like a--" He started.

“Did I ask you?” I said irritated “Sir. It is time you leave. I have listened to you speak for much longer then I care. My mind has not will not and can not change. So. Before I sick my second on you,” I said jerking my head to Alexander. “I suggest you get out. Immediately.” He looked as if his head was going to explode. I stood up and strode out my Beta on my heels.


Hey guys,

Thank you guys so much for reading, any feed back is appreciated and loved!

Mount Palm out.

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