Chapater Twelve

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Everything was in order. Planned to perfection. And I hated it. I would rather have died fighting, protecting my alpha. But now I had to play my stupid role and let her leave with all the pups to a safer location for an ally pack to protect.

I was putting up the last of the barricades with Troy when he asked,"When are you going to tell her?"

"I'm never going to tell her." I said.

"You love her." He said.

"Till we are nothing but ashes and oblivion." I said without a whisper hesitation.

"Then why don't you tell her." Had asked.

"Why don't you give David that ring you've had in your pocket for the last two months?" I growled.

"Touché." He muttered.

"She's going to be fine." He said.

"We can replace a den." I shot back. "You can't replace her."

Troy opened his mouth as a deafening screech sounded through the halls and chaos erupted.

=== === ===

Nalla giggled "Miss Alpha Rayla Maddy has to go pee!" she whispered. I laughed.

"It's not much longer girls," I said quietly adjusting the sail. I looked out at the black water. I sailed out far enough from shore that the wolves wouldn't be able to track us. But also I couldn't see the shore.

We had only two boats and if any of the males tried getting on one of these it would sink. They were both for my entertainment, but now it seemed they were our saviors.

I pointed the bow more toward shore, it was just too risky without having a clear view of the stars to navigate.

After a few minutes, we got close enough to shore that I slid out of our vessel and quietly pulled it on the seaweed littered sand. The pups stayed quiet knowing this was vital. I helped them out one by one. I had six pups with me. All under the age of five and over two.

I couldn't afford to take anyone older on the boat could become compromised.

I knew they wanted to run around and play on this new beach but they needed to preserve their energy. After Maddy went to the bathroom, I shifted and then buried my shredded clothes. The pups climbed on my back and I ran.

=== === ===


"THE THIRD BARRICADE IS DOWN!" Matthew yelled at me.



Demons were EVERYWHERE, flooding our main halls more efficiently then water would have.

As my Jaws tore through one of the demonic creatures Yelosa had summoned I realized something very simple. She was going to die in the most painful of ways. And none of it would be by my hand. I would, however, watch the days on end that it took for my Alpha to properly tear this witch apart.

Also. My Raya is a genius. The barricades weren't supposed to fall until she was here but they had taken the bait, and that was more important.

I tore through a herd of demons ripping and tearing. I felt the blood coat my muzzle. Not like a human, not like a animal or even another werewolf, it was like water with a hint of almost dirt. Disgusting.

"ALEXANDER!" Someone said though the mind link.

"What?" I snarled back.

"She's back!" What? That didn't sound right. To early..... I narrowly missed a demon launching itself at my face. I grabbed it by the arm and jerked my head to the side ripping the arm leg whatever it was clean of its socket. Blood sprayed everywhere. The demon squealed in pain and ran away. I stalked forward and grabbed it by the tail and dragged it closer to me before attacking its neck.

As it went still I bolted off leaving my post sending a quick mind link to Leo to take my spot.

I jumped over the eighth barricade and out into the woods behind the beach.

Outside was much much more terrifying than I would ever be willing to admit. They had lit the woods on fire making for a frightening backdrop against the soldiers in dark suits. A hundred at least, I stayed behind the cave entrance wall cloaked by darkness.
I danced through the trees hugging the shadows running to outpost five.

As I got to the tree Derek had contacted me from I knew I should have listened to my instincts. The witch held a dagger to his neck, blood already staining the brown shirt he was wearing.

"I'm sorry," He croaked. "I'm so sorry."

A growl clawed its way through my throat reverberating in my rib cage, as the witch said, "Attack." And her minions launched out of the trees.


Hey guys,

I'm so sorry I know I didn't upload AT ALL yesterday and to make up for it I'm going to be posting two chapters today, they might not be the longest but I can promise they won't be boring!! I'd love to hear your feedback feel free to give any criticism etc.!

MtPalmTree out!

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