Chapter Four

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     The first thing I was able to see waking up was Alexander’s face. The second? It was covered in blood.

     I hardly registered stumbling out of bed and grabbing his face to make sure he was alright.

“Fine I'm fine it's not my blood but you need to--" His eyes went back and he suddenly stumbled back and immediately turned around. My face was twisted I confusion until I realized I was in my night clothes. And those were no clothes. “I'm sorry I didn't even think--"

“No need to apologize Alexander I've nothing you haven't seen before.” I said tying a silk robe I had grabbed from my mates room last time I went with my hair down. I looped my arm through his and he started walking out of my room. I glanced at him face, a red blush was slowly fading away. I grinned a bit.

“Stop it.” He said. He would never speak those words in front of other people but he not only was my second in command but was my old combat trainer and we had developed a friendship.

“Why I beg your pardon?” I said mockingly. I knew when we walked out my chamber do there would be a bloody scene, I knew I would have to make decisions and deal with people, but for this brief moment walking down my hall I wanted to smile.

     He shook his head and tried to hide a smile on his lips but I saw it nonetheless. My grin only broadened. Nothing made me happier then to see him smiling. His mate was killed before they were even sixteen. From what I learned he drowned himself into combat and trained nonstop. Never smiled. Never laughed. He was only ever serious. And seeing him smile in my pack made me remember there's always hope. Always recovery. A second chance.

     That's what I had now. Despite my lack of knowledge of my past life before my mate pulled me from the ocean, I could remember, I could feel the pain and agony that I had felt.

      Then we walked through the door and I knew I would not be having breakfast today.


Hey guys, short chapter I know, but I would rather put out one or two short chapters a day rather then a long one every week. Comment, smile, and of course read untill you pass out. Or die!
Mt Palm Tree Out!

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