Chapter Eleven

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War councils.

I loved them.

I know I know I probably shouldn't love them....... But I did. The planning the arguing, two sides fighting and behind the blades was careful plotting and consideration. The war council was a dance. And I never took a misstep during a dance.

"Will they truly attack?" Lyara asked. Her mate was in terrible condition, she had temporarily assumed the role as Alpha, much to my admiration. She was three years younger than Alexander, I never knew my age but I seemed to be the same as my second, so I just assumed I was twenty or so.

Seventeen. She was a Luna to her pack of a hundred and fifty-four at seventeen. And now she assumed the role of Alpha. Alone. Her mate's advisors were either dead or unconscious, my hand was held the entire time, Alexander had been by my side for the entire transitions and this girl was younger and alone.

"We can't be sure," Alexander answered. "But we need to be ready for a full-scale attack should it come to that."

Lyara looked closely at our maps. "What if they came in through the lower levels?" The cave system had five levels, the two lowest hit water far beneath the surface. The caves were carved out from the water rushing in through there, the pack, of course, made entryways smoothed the stone, and we boarded up all the water entryways at low tide.

"They would flood the whole thing if they did that at high tide." Alexander said.

"And flush is all out." I murmured

"Or," Alexander says. "They lead a full-fledged attack from the main tunnel."

"Then we block that up." Lyara says.

"If we do that and they flood the system we won't be able to get to the lower beach exits." I contradicted.

"How can we keep that from happening?" Alexander said looking at David. David was in charge of resources and worked closely with Troy who was in charge of the money. To closely for any work to be done. I thought with a smile. Alexander stepped on my foot. Right. War meeting. I kicked his foot back but I might as well have been kicking the wall. Stupid leg. My toes hurt now.

"We can't. The materials for just two entrances? Done properly it would bankrupt us." David replied sourly. Troy nodded his head in agreement.

"What options do we have then?" Lyara asked.

"We can't evacuate, we don't have the time, and if they were to catch us on the rode it would be over." I replied.

"We can't hold off a Black Rocks pack attack." Alexander said all serious like.

"You rhymed." I muttered. I was ignored.

"Cruel cruel second. Won't even look at his Alpha." I said through our mind link. He shot a glare at me and my face turned red suppressing giggles.

Alexander thought for a moment. "For all, we know he could bring a kings army." It was as if he snapped his fingers to put me into a sleep because I was falling. Alexander was reaching out but my eyes snapped shut, I felt my head hit the stone and everything went black.

=== === ===

"We have a kings army at our disposal. " Yelosa spat in my face.

I smirked. "I'm sorry but who forgets what happened to the last king's army you were in charge of?"

"We were ambushed!" She yelled.

"And you should have taken account of the rebels like I did." I said my smirk only growing.

I looked around the massive marble table.

"We are in a war council, not a pissing fit witches." The duke said with a look of disgust.

I smiled at him. "I think your eyes would look lovely on my shelf if I pickle them." I responded sweetly. "Don't you?" I asked no one in particular.

"Rayasha." A man snarled as the dukes face turned red as a pepper.

I frowned. He knew I hated that name. But he refused to call me Rayla as I have requested.

I looked at the head of the table to the man in exquisite red silks. They went well with the pale golden color of the massive room. But they went better with his silver and black crown that sat upon his dark hair.

"The simple fact your Majesty. If that if we send troops to the back entrance they will flee through the front and we will kill them all before they give us what we want. We need to make them fear death. We need to to be so afraid of it that fighting seems useless. That is how we will win this war."

"Why should I not let them die." He said practically growling.

"You would never obtain the information concerning the weapons that massacred a city." I responded smoothly. "And having those minds on our side would be...... quite beneficial." I added.

Yelosa's head looked as if it would explode. I would be so happy if it did. Please explode. I thought to Yelosa's head.

"Very well." He said. "The meeting is concluded."

"You'd listen to a sixteen-year-olds war plan!" The duke said equally as mad as Yelosa.

"If she's smarter then you." The king responded. "Then yes."

"She's not smarter!" Yelosa barked.

"Then why didn't either of you come up with it?" He said bored and walked out.

I love this dance.

=== === ===

I woke up gasping for air.

I felt Alexanders hand under my neck holding my head up.

"Scare us." I croaked before opening my eyes. When I did open my eyes I was met with quizzical looks. "They intend to scare us until we give them what they want."

"How do you know that?" Jessa our diplomat asked.

"And more importantly," Lyara says. "What do they want?"

"I know because it was my idea." I said quietly. "And what they want....."

I thought back to my memory.

"You would never obtain the information concerning the weapons that massacred a city." I had explained.

"Me." I said, realization striking me. They needed a weapon. They needed me. "Me." I murmured.


Hey guys!!!

Hope your enjoying reading this as much as I do writing it! I'd love to hear your opinions, we are less than twenty reads away from 200! That is insanity guys! I'm hoping for the opportunity to write another chapter today given I get out of the fair before midnight, but we will see! With that being said have an awesome rest of your day/night I'm going to go eat second breakfast now! I mean lunch.... 🍳

MtPalmTree out!

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