Chapter Two

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I ran my fingers through Alexander's rusty and brown fur as he ran. The sounds of big padded feet on soft dirt from the other three wolves that ran with us were a comfort to the weight that pushed against my chest, a pressure spooled between my lungs only tightening with the anticipation for the meeting. They had volunteered to come along and watch my back. Shifting was painful for me, more so than it should be, that and the fact that I cannot speak to my wolf, it's never a pleasant experience, I end up walking or in this case sitting on Alexander.

I tucked a loose strand of hair into the bun on my head. My hair was pure silver, not as shiny, and it had many white hues but was silver.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stop and let your hair down? We can turn around and let you walk the rest of the way." Alexander asked kindly through our mind link.

"No. My hair needs to be up right now." I responded, grateful for his consideration. I wish I had said yes to his offer. Whenever I went into my Mates territory his guards look for one thing on me. My hair. If it's up I'm here to talk pack business. However, if my hair is down I'm here for nothing but to see my mate for the night.

I watched as we approached the trail of black rocks the size of heads. As we crossed into the territory of my mate I felt a chill wrap around my bones, but a phantom whisper of the death lurking in the corners of his forest.

We went a little farther before we came to a clearing shaded by a bowing weeping willow. Alexander slowed down and I climbed off him. And dropped softly on the lush green grass.

Not minutes later my mate walked into the clearing with his guards trailing him. I left Alexander's side and walked to the middle of the clearing a few feet from him.

"Luna Rayla." He said professionally.

"Alpha Thane." I responded already irritated at the title. I am an alpha by all rights, but considering Thane was an alpha he still called me his Luna- a tittle I had long left dead.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" He says. I look into his deep green eyes intently searching for something reasonable to be angry with. His scent has already thrown me far from the little sanity I retain.

"Do not send your little yappers to my territory--"

"My territory." He corrected all too softly, his eyes sparkling with that cruelty that flowed in his heart.

An involuntary snarl crawled out my throat before responding. "You gave me that territory."

"I gave my Luna that territory," He said pausing to look me over, to cherish the anger that rolled through my eyes. "You" He drawled, "refuse to be my Luna so it is no longer--" My fist connected with his jaw sending sparks through my knuckles. He cringed. "We will resume this when you have--" Punched him again but this time in the gut.

"When I decide to resume." Calming the rage under my skin I turned and walked from him loving the steady hum of his growling. This was not the intention of our meeting. I climbed back onto Alexander's back earning a jealous growl from my mate. It takes everything I have not to smirk and laugh cherishing his anger as I ride back to the territory.


Hey guys,

Thanks so much for reading, your feedback and suggestions are insanely loved.

Mount Palm out.

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