Chapter Ten

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Alpha. I couldn't begin to wrap my mind around it.

I was so angry that I hadn't a care in the world that she might have been a luna- but the alpha?? My heart was screaming at me to pick her brain and knowledge, how does she respond to being alpha, how did she become alpha?

And I talked to her with such cruelty...... she had gotten so much of our pack back, she let us STAY here..... And she got hurt I'm the process, I hadn't a clue what happened at my old village but her second came running in hugging her to his chest snarling for doctor and running into her chambers.

I desperately needed to find a new place for the rest of us. I was Luna to our alpha, he was in the medical bay, his left arm completely ripped out of his socket, an eye missing, and in wolf form his tail had been burned badly.

I thought back to what the witch had said. Void magic. I dont give a damn about the magic but the demons? Humanoid creatures that run around fours, they looked burnt corpses but with a barbed snake tail sticking out of their back side. They made sounds like screaming in between coughing. I would never forget the feel of the creatures fingers piercing my abdomen. The stitches felt like tickles after the venom the creature spit on my wound. Before my mate ripped his head off. And now my mate was half dead. Missing most of his blood. All of his pride I assumed and limbs.

And that's why I sat. Right next to the Alphas chamber door. Tears were no use. Rage had probably gotten our pack kicked out as soon as the alpha could speak. All I had left was my pride. And my determination to kill the bi--

"Ow" The alpha said as her head hit the wall. Her second cursed.

"Sorry Raya." Her second who was carrying her said.

They spotted me sitting pathetically on the floor like the bad dog I was. "I'm sorry." I whispered praying for her mercy, the second time that day it seemed.

Mercy. I thought once again.


Hey everyone! I know todays chapter took supper long and its it's stupid short! I've been at the fair all day and slept in this morning after losing sleep thanks to my early flights yesterday. But no more excuses for me! I hope you guys liked this chapter, hit the vote button it helps me out tons, also the book has a hundred and fifty-seven reads!!! That's insanity, you guys are truly amazing, yesterday I posted a thank you on my profile, I implore you to take a look at it, you guys are the most amazing! Have a great day/night!

MtPalmTree out!

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