Chapter Fifteen

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She looked me dead in the eye as she said it. And then I heard the bowstring tighten and I couldn't- wouldn't let him die, it would tear Raya apart. As the arrow pierced the skin above my heart, the only thing I could try to think about was my mate's smile. But all I remembered was Rayas.

And just like that, it was if a tether in Raya snapped. Her chains exploded and everything went black.

=== === ===

I felt that power, that energy just beneath my skin, waiting for a command. An instruction. So I gave it one. The chains around me turned into shrapnel, flying everywhere except in Alexander's direction.

The men guarding Yelosa screamed as my energy tore through their minds, leaving nothing behind but memories of pain, it overloaded them and their hearts simply stopped. Yelosa shielded her mind and ran. Alexander and my mate remained unharmed. From my attack.

I stumbled forward towards Alexander and fell to my knees. I was going to kill her. I was going to kill them all. The orange arrow had gone through his heart. I could feel death swarming his body like bugs. No. Why. Why did it have to be him? Why did he have to save my mate. I didn't want my mate I wanted him. The tears were replaced with anger.

I knew the energy was there.
And I demanded it listen to me.
Demanded it come.
And it did.

Healing. That's not what it was for, not what it was meant to do. It refused to fix something rather than break it. I roared at it, yelled, screamed, and cursed. And finally, black tendrils of Smoke spread through his chest swarming the arrow. I ripped it out, his blood shot up coating my face, gagging I made the smoke move faster. It rushed to the wound, making it close, I could feel the energy draining so quickly. Draining me. My eyes started to close but I wouldn't let them until the wound was fully closed and in its wake a scar the color of ash.

Sobs erupted me as he yawned. I dropped onto his chest not daring to wake him up. I was still crying as I fell asleep.

=== === ===


Alive. Something that no matter how many times she reassured me, or told me, it seemed like a dream. The arrow had gone straight through my heart. And yet somehow I was still here. The scar looked brutal. She asked me if it hurt. If it did I wasn't paying attention to it. My heart was silent. I still breathed, everything worked fine........ But I was dead. Not alive.

I asked about the battle about what happend and she told me to calm down. That is wasn't my worry. Not yet. That's what she said as she walked me down to the shoreline, clinging to my arm like I would just collapse. Something that I realized was a true possibility.

As we going to the sand I looked at the sky. Stars were everywhere, it seemed like more than usual. It was so bright. I looked at Raya. She was maybe a head shorter than me. Her hair was always silver, but right now it was true silver, with a shine like mother of pearl. "Raya......your hair--"

"Magic I think." She said magic as if it were a curse on the darkest levels.

I nodded wishing I had more to say. She let go of my arm and walked into the freezing water. She didn't even flinch as she went waist deep. "Come on." She said. Crap. I waded out to her grumbling. "The waters not that bad you big baby, now sit down." I frowned. I was not a big baby. I sat down in the water trying to relax before she yelled at me for that too. I closed my eyes and felt her hands dumping water onto my head and getting the blood and mud out of my hair.

There was a tense silence. I opened my mouth to speak but Raya beat me to it. "I chose you." She said her voice cracking.

"Losing your mate would have killed you." I said not being able to look at her face.

"I would still have had you." She said. She didn't know what she was talking about. It's what I kept telling myself because she would never have chosen me over her mate. Never. "Alexander I love you." She said hardly more than a whisper. If my heart was still beating it would have stopped. Because everything stopped. My world- everything seemed to just freeze.

I opened my eyes and turned my head to look at her. Tears lined her eyes. She had been scared to tell me. Even my smart arse wolf was at a loss for words.

Before I realized what I was doing I had grabbed her waist and pulled her down onto my lap and kissed her. She kissed back for a second before pulling away laughing and crying. I was laughing too. This woman I've loved for so long- she loved me back. Loved me over her mate.

I don't know how long we sat in that freezing water kissing. She at some point swam off to get the blood- my blood apparently off of her. We walked back to the cave system neither of us letting go of each other. She dragged me straight into her room and told me I had a lot of catching up to do. I was more happy to oblige.


Hey guys!

I really hope you guys are enjoying the story so far comment any ideas or criticism.

MtPalmTree out!

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