Chapter Seven

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Alexander ran out so fast I almost fell off. The portion of the pack that decided to come along ran out into the clearing behind us. The village was burning to the ground. Fire was everywhere and was going to spread. Injured or dead wolves lay everywhere, the eastern sands where a huge pack, nearing a hundred and fifty not including pups, only thirty or so were in my cave system....... I let out a sob.

"Do a sweep then, archers, take post, wolves, determine who's still breathing, if they are alive take them back, only pick up three at a time, no more then that you will collapse halfway up the mountain, we will come back tomorrow to get the dead, so they can have proper burials," I announced. I nudged alexander forward, he was sniffing the ground intensely but went forward, ears at the alert.

I could..... I don't know... there was something bugging me at the back of my rib cage. "Forward." I murmured.

"Into the woods?" He asked through the mind link.

"Into the woods." I half said my eyes fixed on the woods, I needed to be there. He walked forward slowly. A few steps in and Alexander recoiled snarling as if burned.

"Not right Raya. Not right." He said.

"Keep moving." I commanded. He glanced at me and continued forward.

"Raya please, Raya I'm begging you. This is not right. It's not right. Not right. Not right. Not right. Not right. Not right............" He pleaded. I had never heard him beg. He had never questioned me twice. I didn't understand, there was an undying pull to go closer. How could he not feel it? I climbed off him and continued walking forward, not being able to take my eyes off even to look at my Betas face. He whimpered, another thing it seems he's never done in front of me.

I couldn't stop walking, I knew my Beta stayed behind, I knew my feet were bleeding inside my steel boots, knew the mosquitos had been swarming me, but I wouldn't, couldn't stop walking. No, when that thing, whatever it was, was screaming my name, grabbing me by my soul and dragging me forward. I saw a flicker of fire and started running, needed to run.

I wish. I wish I had stayed with my Beta.

I walked into a clearing and saw a cross made of wood, burning, and on it was my mate. Screaming. As loud as he could. And at the base of the cross, was the witch. Smiling at me. I couldn't hear Thane screaming. I couldn't hear anything. I knew he was screaming but I couldn't even hear my breathing or my heartbeat of the witch with golden hair, laughing, eyes like a demon, and a face of beauty and cruelty.

Then blackness came, devouring everything in its path, devouring me but it only filled me with a feeling of control. A feeling of death. Then so quickly I fell, not even registering the pain as I hit the ground.

--- --- ---

He cackled at me from his great throne.

The silver chains burned,

But I would not scream.

I would never scream.

Not for him.

I looked to his son.

His beautiful son with pitch black hair and sad brown eyes.

And his son looked back at me.


But not screaming.

Not begging.

We would never scream.

Never beg.

Then the flames surrounded me.

My body roared.

That thing inside me roared.



It roared.

And it demanded to be heard.

--- --- ---

I woke up and wished I could not hear still. For the sounds of roaring were too much for my head to handle.

I opened my eyes and wanted to scream.

My Beta, was on the ground, strapped down with silver chains, roaring, fighting against the men that kept him in the dirt. Away from me, I realize.

Everything felt as if being seared from my skin. Silver chains held me to the cross, the same on my mate had been on what felt like moments ago. Still burning.

Too much, too much I realized, the pain the roaring, the memory, never had I had a memory of life before the water, before Thane, and I now I had one, and it was screaming at me to pay it attention, to be heard. But I wouldn't listen. Not now. Not in these chains, not with my Beta. I cried. Not because of my impending death but because of my Betas. He didn't deserve this ending. He didn't deserve to be touched by silvers burning hand. To have to be killed by the same type of monster that killed his mate. Maybe that's what did it. Or maybe it was my mate. Standing next to the witch. Laughing. Unscathed. I don't know what did it. But I felt it. The great chasm in my soul. I felt the beast far deep-down shutter. Open an eye. And fight back.

The men around my Beta screamed. And then they fell. One after the other. Then my Beta was running to me howling.

"No." I croaked. I needed him to live. Needed him to avenge that pack, avenge me. But he ran. Straight into the fire.

I heard my mate and the witch yelling in fury, I felt my Betas hands rip the chains off around me and pick me up. My armor I realized, was gone, burned off. But not me. I wasn't charred to the bone, I had red imprints of the chains surrounding me. He grabbed me and ran, hugging me close to his chest. Knowing if he shifted I would fall off his wolf. I looked back for a brief second to see my mate and the witch screaming at me.

I saw it. And I believed it. I believed my mate when he screamed at me. The word wrung through my head. Truth I realized. My truth. Who I was. What, I was. I whispered the word to myself once before my eyes closed and darkness enveloped me. "Witch."



I'd love to hear your feedback on this rather.... Intense chapter. Hit the vote button if you thought this was a good plot twist.......

MtPalmTree out before you hurt me!

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