Chapter Thirteen

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"How could you just take away someone's mate!?" I screamed at her.

"Very easily actually." Yelosa said calmly.

"Yelsoa, that spell- that's not just wrong it's an abomination! A mate is something out of our control for a reason, you can't be as low as to use void magic!"

"You use chaos magic. I don't see the difference. You get into peoples heads and break their minds apart. Permanently." She said.

"Fine. So what, this spell, they lose the bite on their neck?"

"They lose their memory of the past life. The next unmated person they see they believe to be their mate." She said.

"Do they ever remember?" I asked my hands shaking. What had she done?

"After a few years possibly." She said.

"And you did this? To Nova?" I asked in horror. She nodded her head in excitement.

"What happened to her mate?" I said.

"It's broken him." She said with pride. "He will die soon I'm sure."

"And Nova?" I asked my voice hardly a whisper.

"She felt the pain of the bond breaking, she lost her memory but she hasn't forgotten the pain." She responded.


Years of training and practice had honed his body into a deadly weapon. I knew that. Always have. But I never. Never. Would have fathomed his capabilities.

I was learning it seemed as Alexander ripped through demons like splashing through water.

The chains burned. I don't know how they caught me. How they found me. The pups where safe.

That's all that mattered.

The naive thought I had before I saw Alexander tricked and ambushed.

I was tied to a tree, chains from my neck to my toes, the marks I had from the other day where burned back open. Tears streamed down my face, there was no shame in feeling pain. To feel pain is to live on the most intimate level of life. Or so I told myself.

A guard walked out with enough swagger for me to envision an arrow through his head. "Hello." He said a sly grin. I could already see my blood seeping through the chains. I lifted my head. Slowly. The look on his face told me my eyes where only hatred and a decree of death. He grinned more.

"We need to get that pretty males attention." He said before taking out his dagger and grabbing my ear. I struggled but it just made the silver chains burn through my flesh more. "Now now sweetheart. Don't be like that." I felt the knife dig into my ear. I let out a sob until he tore a chunk of my ear out.

My scream was pathetic and broken as it wrang through the trees. Alexander stopped. It was just for a second but it cost him, he saw a soldier rush toward him, chains in hand, he shifted knowing his teeth wouldn't penetrate the thick metal plating throughout his armor. The soldier went down as quickly as he came, another grabbed Alexander from behind, throwing chains around him. He was fast but Alexander was faster, he grabbed the chains and pulled with all his might throwing the soldier over his back.

Pride, thats exactly what i felt as he single handedly took down half a dozen men. And then the demons rushed to him. He was not ready for that, he needed to shift but didn't have the time, and so chains went around him and he went down like a stone in water, growling the whole time.

I wanted to scream. No I was screaming. And so was Alexander.

One word. Like a his last prayer.



Hey guys!

Okay to some if you I lied because it's past midnight for a lot of you, that's on me, the next chapter is longer than I originally anticipated, so yeah I'm terrible I know. Hope you liked the chapter, the next one will be out soon!!!

MtPalmTree out!!

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