Chapter Five

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I walked through the threshold and what I saw was horrific.

In the room was twelve to maybe sixteen wolves, all bloody and laying down in the main cavern of our intricate cave system carved out by the waves.

There was one woman sitting in the corner wrapped in furs. Staring at her blood covered hands. I covered my mouth with my free hand and Alexander looked at me, concern and worry lining his beautiful blue green eyes. He let my arm go and strode forward. The wolves started to notice our entrance. He kneeled in front of the woman and softly murmured something to her. She nodded her head and he stood back up, holding out his hand that she gently took, and he helped her to her feet and walk her over.

"I-I am sorry to intrude-"

"Please don't." I said softly. She nodded her head.

"Our village was attacked-" I quickly looked to Alexander.

"The doctors are already on their way I got you as soon as they stumbled in." He said. I glanced to the bleeding werewolves. A few were passed out and the others were drowsy, I was surprised they even made it here.

"What pack are you in?" I asked. She looked worried for a moment before saying.

"Eastern sands." I nodded my head. They were just over the mountains behind us. "You were the closest pack to us, we've heard little-" Suddenly I heard screaming coming from one of the corridors and two of my pack members, Marcus and Matthew came in hauling a woman who was cursing a storm- she had absolutely nothing on and a few deep gashes on her abdomen but nothing more.

"LET ME GO!" She screamed. Alexander was there in seconds signaling the twins to let her go and taking off his shirt to hand it to her. She snatched it from him and put it on glaring at him nonetheless.

"That is my older sister." The girl in front of me muttered averting her gaze to the stone floor embarrassed. The older girl stormed past Alexander and straight to me.

"Where is your Alpha." She practically growled in my face. I looked to the twins to see them muttering information to Alexander.

"...........trying to get out............" Marcus said.

" lost probably..............." Alexander muttered back glancing at the girl before me.

"Excuse me? Luna, I presume." She said like a snotty brat. "Where is the Alpha." She asked my as if she were talking to a toddler.

"Your looking at her." Alexander said. Both girls face were coated in confusion and then disbelief. Before they could say anything further the doctors ran in with equipment and started assessing the wounds on the wolves.

"Your the--" The older girl started.

"Yes now, what attacked you?" I asked. Both their faces went pale.

"The devil's mistress." The youngest said. Alexander growled. The devil's mistress is another word for a witch. I glanced at Alexander, his face, the beautiful face that meant so much to me was twisted in rage and grief for his dead mate. His lovely mate that was murdered by a witch.

"Are wolves still there?" I asked quickly.

"Yes." The older responded.

"Then we leave now." I said.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, It's a little longer then I have been posting and that's one of the reasons it took all day to get out, but I think it was worth it! Tell me what you thought in the comments and any cool ideas you have for future chapters!
Mt Palm Tree out!

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, It's a little longer then I have been posting and that's one of the reasons it took all day to get out, but I think it was worth it! Tell me what you thought in the comments and any cool ideas you have for ...

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