Chapter Six

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It hadn't taken me long to get the pack ready and volunteers gathered for the rescue mission, in about fifteen minutes we were off. I had to remind myself to slow down every once and a while to let the rest of the Wolves to catch up.

I was worked up and needed to kill something after seeing the conditions some of those pups came in. And the witch? I was going to rip her throat out if my Alpha gave me the honors.

"Shhhh......." I glanced up at Raya who was stroking my fur on my neck. "We're going to get them. It's okay." She said softly. I looked back to the ground calming down a bit. I would forever be grateful for her. I still remember the day Alpha Thane ran into the camp, carrying a woman with silver hair soaked to the bone and blood covering her head to toe, yelling for someone to get healers for his Mate. A few days after that we were introduced to our new Luna.

I was already the blade master; the name only covers half of the job. I trained the pups in steel and fangs. After a rival pack kidnapped her for revenge I became her bodyguard and personal trainer. After of course, we slaughtered the pack. Some of them were innocent and we let them join after Raya nearly tore off Alpha Thanes tail while he was hunting a group of girls. He had no mercy then and never will.

I glanced back up at Raya. She had her armor on, it looked like stone, and had mother of pearl accents, they always looked like her hair. Her silver hair was tied back, simple yet fierce.

"Keep your eyes on the path before you run us into a tree." She said without ever looking at me. I grumbled and looked back to just hardly dodge a massive rock. She snorted, and I just grumbled more.

"She's looking fantastic tonight is she not?" My wolf said. All werewolves could speak to their wolf, it still bothered me, I was able to shift at fifteen, its early and my wolf whispering in my head was something no one cared to tell me, and I about tore apart my cabin trying to find where the voice was coming from. "Can you not?" I responded, in the mind link it seemed because Raya jabbed her foot into my rib cage. I glanced back at her.

"Just my wolf blabbering again," I said through the mind link Raya and I shared. Her face fell, and she looked at the woods. She has never been able to talk to her wolf, I've tried to tell her she's lucky because my wolf at least is a raging pain in my arse, but it made her lonely. Something we shared. I was seventeen when we met, I was always told I was lucky after someone loses their mate they usually go insane and kill themselves. I certainly had been going insane. Not just I missed her, they don't tell you your mate is your other half for nothing. With she died it felt like my heart was being ripped apart. My soul shredded. Like drowning slowly. Then I was sharpening some arrowheads and she walked up to me and smiled. I knew I looked dumbstruck. But she smiled at me. Not a smile of pity like everyone else. But a real smile. And when I smiled back it was like I could breathe again.

"Alexander." She whispered. "Slow down." I did an in a second I could see an orange glow. Fire. And lots of it. Th other wolves slowed down as well, falling back into attack rank.

"Bows." She commanded through the entire pack's mind link. Every wolf was carrying a person armed with a bow and arrows. This was Raya's idea, I think fangs are good enough, but she brought up the point of long distance targets. Something I couldn't argue with. I heard the creak of her bowstring. Then in the link, she said, "Charge."


Hey guys, what did you think of this chapter? I wasn't sure how it would turn out to just let Alexander babble on. If you guys are liking the story consider giving it a vote, it really helps me get more amazing readers like you guys!

MtPalmTree out!

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