Chapter I

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Gentle chords drifted through the empty house as Virgil strummed his guitar. His eyes were closed and a feeling of serenity had fallen upon him from the moment he picked up the instrument. The darkly dressed junior in high school did this often in the early hours of the morning before the sun rose. His parents, who worked out of town during the week, weren't home, so nothing was around to stop him from playing other than his alarm clock.

His deep brown eyes fluttered open upon hearing its familiar chime, frowning as he leaned over to turn it off. Sighing, he reluctantly put away his guitar, silently wishing that he didn't have to return to the concrete structure of literal hell known as school.

Virgil didn't expect to stay in high school for much longer, or at least hoped he wouldn't. He was a writer, a lyricist. Inspired by great artists like Brendon Urie and Ryan Ross of Panic! At The Disco, Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance, and Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy, he created stories of fantasy out of his real experiences with the world. His lyrics bordered the line between concerning and relatable while whisking the listener away into his fictional worlds and sharing his secrets behind the cover of the catchy melody and collection of instruments. With parents who'd been neglecting him since he reached middle school, Virgil used his lyrics and music to do everything they failed to do. It was a comfort device, a coping mechanism, a free therapy session in some cases, and no one even had to be around for it to help him; then he'd show the completed lyrics he thought were good enough to be songs to his three bandmates who assisted him with creating instrumental around them.

He smiled a little to himself as he thought about them, thankful to have supportive friends in his life if he couldn't have supportive parents. Picking up his backpack, he sighed again as he began his trek to school.

With an extreme case of anxiety, he wasn't comfortable with riding the bus and he didn't want to burden his friends with the task of driving him if he could help it, so walking was his primary mode of transportation. He didn't mind it so much either; it gave him a chance to put on his headphones, turn up the volume of his favorite songs, and just let his legs take him to wherever he was headed while his mind wandered elsewhere.

After an entire two years of doing this, Virgil began to realize something strange about it. He seemed to fall into a trance, where he wasn't aware of what was around him. He just walked, and continued to walk, not truly noticing or acknowledging if people were around. The only way he could be broken from his trance was for someone to touch him, which he never really liked. However, there was a friend of his who liked to do that often.

"Morning Virgil!"

He flinched as a sudden hand landed on his shoulder, head whipping in the direction of whoever it was touching him. The darkly dressed boy relaxed as recognized his friend Remy, pressing pause on his music and slipping his sound canceling headphones off of his head to rest around his neck.

"Hey Remy," he greeted in a soft voice, letting the corner of his lips quirk upwards in a small smirk to show he was pleased to see him. He looked him up and down, noticing that he was rocking on his feet and holding a Starbucks latte. "You're running on caffeine, aren't you?"

He nodded too much, sipping his drink. "It's so nuts, Virge, literally, it's like I'm so sleep deprived that I can't feel the exhaustion anymore," he explained, wide eyes looking off in some other direction distractedly before snapping back into focus on Virgil. "Oh! I almost forgot! You have to come to my party tonight!"

"Oh, I don't know, Remy..." the darkly dressed boy replied, shoulders bunching up as he became uncomfortable. "You know I hate parties..."

"But girl, everyone's going!! It'll be horrible if you don't!" he wailed comically, throwing himself on his friend. "Virgil! PLEASE? Pretty please? Oh, please come to my party, Virgil, PLEASE! I love you forever my friend, PLEASE!"

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