Chapter IV

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Virgil woke up in an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar room, with an all too familiar person holding him. His eyes widened as he pulled himself out of the embrace, looking down at Roman's sleeping form. Fortunately, he noticed that both of them were still fully clothed; this fact didn't keep him from freaking out.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," he gasped , stilling up and clutching his knees. The darkly dressed boy shook, rocking back and forth as he attempted to contain his panic.

The noise he was making still managed to make up Roman. The princely boy still laying in the bed noticed an absence of warm; he blinked as he sat up with a groan. When his eyes focused on Virgil, he looked confused. Their eyes met, both gazes wide as they stared at each other. There was silence between them before the emo spoke up.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" he asked softly.

He shook his head with another yawn. "Nope," he said with a shrug. "It's not like we did anything. Do you remember?"

"N-No, it's all fuzzy," Virgil lied, feeling his skin crawl with unease. He felt dizzy with guilt and dishonesty. "I stayed way longer than I intended to it seems..."

"Yeah, and I thought you weren't feeling well yesterday," Roman realized as he woke up more. "I told Remy you weren't coming and it was fine. I'm not upset that you did, but why did you show up?"

The darkly dressed boy shrugged. "I don't know... I guess I just felt bad for making a promise that I didn't plan on keeping," he explained, attempting to push away the thoughts of last night. This proved to be nearly impossible as he looked toward the other boy right as he licked his lips, whining about being thirsty. All Virgil could think about was the feeling of those lips on his, and it made his entire face completely red as he forced himself to tear his gaze away. After a moment, he looked back to find him staring at him expectantly. "Sorry what?"

"I said, the others are going to think we had sex," he explained with an eye roll. "If we want to convince them we actually didn't, we should probably play along with their jabs."

He winked, making Virgil flush as he smiled, still charmed by amazing charisma. "Are we even sure that we didn't though?" he brought up, swallowing harshly as he forced a smile. Roman busted out laughing at this, nearly tearing up because of how amusing he seemed to find it.

He then suddenly leaned forward with a smirk. "I don't know, does your ass hurt?" he asked, suggestively wiggling his eyebrows. The darkly dress boy shoved him as he snickered at his joke. "Okay, okay, it was just a joke Virge, I won't tell anyone you're a bottom, your secret's safe with me."

"Ugh, I hate you," he whined as he continued to laugh. "And I'm not a bottom, screw you!"

"Um, you sure?" Roman teased with a raised eyebrow as he recovered from his laughing fit. Flicking him off, the emo stood up and moved to the bathroom to fix his clothes and his hair as the princely boy had another laughing fit. Virgil purposely ignored him as he followed him into the bathroom grinning at him through the mirror. He just glared and avoided his gaze as he fixed his hair. He was pursing his lips, showing how much his comments irritated him. "Aw, come on Virgil, I was only kidding."

Following his words, a pair of arms slid around his waist and pulled him back was the princely boy rested his head on his shoulder. "Come on, don't be mad," he whined, burying his face into the crook of his neck. His breath tickled his skin, making him giggle and squirm a little. Roman grinned, pulling back to look at him through the mirror. "I'm glad you came by, I was pretty bored last night from what I can recall. You totally made the night better."

"Well, I'm glad," Virgil managed, feeling guilt crawl up his throat as he remembered the feeling of their lips moving together heatedly in time with the music that had been blasting throughout the house. It was clear the other boy didn't remember any of it, and the anxious emo was too scared to ruin their friendship by bringing it up. It was nice to be able to do stuff like this as friends, and he didn't want it to end. 

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