Chapter III

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When the end of the day arrived, Virgil headed home without hesitation. He had to avoid his friends, all clustered and talking about the party at Remy's later. This was even more reason to slip by them unnoticed, cutting through the student parking lot instead of the bus loop. He was about to hit play on his music and begin his trek back home when a familiar voice called to him.

"Hey Virge!" it said, making him look up to see Roman opening the door to his car. He'd forgotten the princely boy had been given his own car of his sixteenth birthday last year, silently cursing himself as he was waved him over. Trying not to show his displeasure, he trudged over to him. "You heading home?"

The darkly dressed boy nodded a little, slipping his headphones onto his neck. He felt awkward, still a little shaky after his brief panic attack at lunch. Roman seemed to sense his discomfort. "Hey, you okay?" he asked, voice gentle as he searched his expression. Virgil nodded quickly, too quickly for his suspicions to vanish. The princely boy sighed heavily, looking down. He sounded hurt as he spoke. "We both know that's a lie... I just wish I knew why you didn't trust me enough to tell me the truth."

 "Roman that's not-" he started, feeling a slight panic shoot through him. His hand lurched forward to take his forearm, shocking both of them. Both of their wide gazes landed on his hand before he pulled it away with a furious blush on his cheeks. "That's not why I lied, I promise. I do trust you, there's just some things about me that I don't like talking about with anyone... I'm okay though, just feeling a little shaky."

The princely boy looked at him with wide eyes, blinking a few times before nodding. They stood there quietly for a moment before he spoke up. "Want me to give you a ride home?"

Considering how exhausted Virgil was because of his attack, he accepted the offer with a very grateful smile. Roman opened the passenger door for him, before going around to enter the driver's side. He gave him a smile as they pulled out of the parking lot. The drive to Virgil's house was a quiet one, given that he fell asleep against the passenger seat.

He looked over at the sleeping emo, feeling his chest grow warm with affection. He didn't even want to wake him up, but he had to get to his own home and get ready for Remy's party. With a sigh, Roman got out of the car and carefully lifted him into his arms bridal style. The darkly dressed boy was light, and let out a small noise as he burrowed into his arms. He grinned at him, silencing a small laugh at how adorable he was. Reaching the door, he nudged him awake a just enough to talk. 

"Hey... hey, I need the key to take you inside," he murmured to him. He whined a little, reaching into his pocket to give it to him. The princely boy took it with a smile. "Thank you, my chemically imbalanced romance."

"Ugh, put me down Princey..." Virgil slurred, sounding really drowsy. 

Roman laughed a little as he brought him to his couch, laying him down. "Geez, you're exhausted," he said as the darkly dressed boy whined again, curling in on himself. "How much sleep did you get last night?"

"Not much..." he murmured in reply, shrugging tiredly. His eyes then suddenly snapped open as he let out a gasp. He sat straight up and alert. "The party! I promised him I'd go! God, I don't want to go to Remy's stupid party!"

"Whoa, whoa, Virgil calm down," the princely boy rushed out, taking his shoulders and looking him in the eye. "It's alright, take a deep breath. You don't have to go anywhere, in fact you shouldn't go anywhere, given that you were practically falling asleep on your feet. I'll tell Remy you weren't feeling well, okay?"

The anxious emo nodded slowly as he let Roman push him back down onto the couch. He pulled a blanket off the other couch, pulling it over him with a smile. "You take a nap alright? Try not to take one that's too long, cause you need actual sleep tonight, but please rest for a while," he instructed as he brushed his bangs out of his face with a gentle smile. He nodded again as he fell asleep again. The actor smiled affectionately at him as he stood up and moved to the door, locking it behind him and pushing the key through the mail slot. 


About an hour and a half later, Virgil's eyes fluttered open. He looked around in confusion when he realized he was on his couch with a blanket pulled over him. Remembering the party and feeling more awake, he sighed and got up to get ready. Roman may have promised to tell the host he wasn't feeling well, but he'd actually feel terrible if he failed to show up.

Begrudgingly, Virgil began to get ready. He lined his eyes with dark black makeup, dawned ripped black skinny jeans, purple combat boots, and a ripped purple crop top. Feeling dangerous, he decided to give his lips a little color; by color he meant black. He smiled a little at his appearance as he prepared to walk over to Remy's.

It wasn't hard to tell there was a party going on based on the numerous cars parked outside and lights and music blaring from the house. He shook out his nerves as he approached the door. He wasn't exactly welcomed inside, as the door was unlocked and everyone was going crazy, so he simply let himself in.

Slipping into the crowd, the darkly dressed boy was quickly grabbed by someone. "Heeeey Virge!" they said, their voice slurred, but still recognizable. Virgil's eyes widened as he turned around. The princely boy then frowned like this was all confusing to him. "I thought you weren't coming cause you were tired?"

"I- I didn't want to let anyone down, but that's not important, are you drunk?" he as Roman swayed a little on his feet.

He burst into a fit of giggles as he shook his head. "Nope! Just a little tipsy!" he explained as he leaned flirtatiously close to him. "Your makeup looks gorgeous tonight!"

"Uh, thank you," Virgil replied as a rosy blush dusted his cheeks. 

"Oh you're quite welcome, now come get a drink!" Roman exclaimed, dragging him by the hand toward the drinks.

The darkly dressed boy was alarmed as he was handed an alcoholic beverage. "I can't drink, I have to walk home afterwards," he tried to explained. He felt a finger to his lips and heard him shushing him. The touch sent tingles through his skin.

"No one's leaving until the morning, Virge! Why would you want to walk home at night after a party? That ruins the fun of getting tipsy!" Roman whined as he drank more of whatever was in his cup. "And besides, if you really want to go home, Patton's promised he'd stay sober and Logan isn't interested in the drinks so they'll be able to help you out."

Virgil didn't have an argument for that, so he shrugged and drank it. He could taste the bitter alcohol and felt burn as went go down his throat, shuttering the tiniest bit. "Do I want to know what's in this?"

"Probably not, now come on! Let's dance, Virgil!" he exclaimed, dragging him by the hand again, this time toward the dance floor. Despite being a little claustrophobic with all the kids around him, the darkly dressed boy was actually having fun. The alcohol soon started kicking in, making him feel more confident and less worried about things. It also brought out a side of him not normally seen being anyone; he became quite the flirty type when tipsy. He hadn't even realized he'd started swaying his hips until Roman's hands landed on his waist and pulled him close. "Have I told you how gorgeous you look in a crop top?"

Chills ran up his spine as his hands moved upward to touch the bare skin. Virgil smirked, looking at him flirtatiously. "You really think so?" he asked, playing dumb as the princely boy in front of him leaned closer.

"Yes, yes I do," Roman replied as he closed the gap between them. Neither of them were quite sure what they were doing, but they certainly didn't want to stop as they kissed each other passionately. They found themselves pressed against the wall as the kiss got heated. The princely boy then broke it pant out a question. "We're still just friends, right?"

Virgil's drunken mind answered for him. "Yes, now less talking and more kissing," he whined, pulling him in again and completely unaware of how much he'd regret that.

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