Chapter V

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"Are you going to Remy's tonight?" the princely boy asked him at lunch. Virgil looked up from the sketchbook he was hiding behind. Pulling his headphones off, he raised an eyebrows in confusion. "I asked if you were going to Remy's tonight?"

He looked at him even more confused. "What? Is he having another party? And on a school night?" he questioned. Roman shook his head quickly to clarify.

"No, no, it's just a hangout night between a couple friends," he explained. "Patton, Logan, and I are definitely going, I was wondering if you were. I promise it's going to be more chill than this past weekend's party. Remy just wants to chill and watch some movies, maybe gossip a little bit."

The darkly dressed boy shifted uncomfortably, remembering what had happened last time he hung out at Remy's with him. He really didn't want to, but when he glanced up at Roman, his heart melted. He was looking at him with so much hope that he would say yes that he couldn't have brought himself to have said no if he tried.

"O-Okay... as long as there's not going to be an alcohol this time..." he said, feeling his skin crawl. Alcohol was always going to remind him of who stupid he'd been that night until he was sure it was behind him. 

"Oh yeah, no, there's definitely not going to be any excessive drinking," the princely boy assured him. "Remy might have a drink or two, but Patton and Logan definitely won't be."

Virgil looked up, eyeing him. "What about you?" he asked. His eyes were searching his facial expression for signs of nervousness or discomfort. "Will you be drinking?"

"Hell no," Roman said, laughing as he shook his head. "I remember how bad my head hurt in the morning after the party from the weekend, there's no way in hell I'm coming to school with a headache like that. Besides, all the alcohol Remy has is not classy at all."

Relief washed over him at his response. He had no reason to lie, given that he didn't remember their make out sessions from that night, so Virgil trusted his word. He nodded, starting to get used to knowing what had happened between them when no one else did. Roman was watching him, and he opened his mouth to say something, but Logan and Patton arrived. He pushed aside was he was going to say to greet them. Whatever it was, it could wait. 

The darkly dressed boy kept quiet throughout the rest of the day, thankful when the bell rang to dismiss them. He trudged toward the student parking lot to avoid the crowded area of the bus loop, eyes widening as he saw Roman waiting against his car. The princely boy's face seemed to light up when he spotted him. "Hey! Let me give you a lift to Remy's!" he called, beckoning him over. It wasn't as if he could just walk away from his best friend. Taking a deep breath, Virgil walked over to him. "You exhaust yourself too much, please let me take you to Remy's."

"Yeah, okay..." he mumbled, getting into the passenger side with burning cheeks. 

They were quiet for a few minutes as the actor began to drive them toward their friend's neighborhood. "Hey Virge, are you sure you don't remember anything about the party?" he asked quietly. The anxious emo's heart rate accelerated. 

"Yeah, no, it's all hazy, I don't remember," he muttered, hoping he was convincing. 

Roman glanced at him with his eyes, clearing his throat. "I just really wish I could remember what happened," he said, shrugging it off like it was no big deal. "It seemed like it was a fun night, but I really want to know what I did."

You kissed me for one thing, the darkly dressed boy thought to himself. I wish you hadn't, because that feeling still lingers and it'll haunt me for the rest of me life. 

They arrived at Remy's after ten minutes of silence between them, a tension in the air neither of them wanted to address. Wordlessly, they made their way inside; they were greeted by the other three boys who were already watching a movie. Being able to play it off as normal was easier for Roman, who started whining and complaining about the fact that they'd started without them. 

Virgil sat down on the couch, on the far end, away from the princely boy. He successfully acted fine through two whole movies before needing a break from the closeness. "I'm gonna go get a snack," he mumbled as he got up and headed for the kitchen. He got out a packet of microwave popcorn, setting the timer for it as he moved to get a bowl. As he did so, he realized Roman had followed him. "O-Oh, hey Roman..."

"Hey, I was just wondering if I did something wrong, that's all," he said, rubbing his arm. The anxious emo shook his head, not looking at him. This made him frown even more. "So, you've been avoiding and acting strange around me for no reason? That's plausible alright."

His sarcasm surprised him, making him shrug. The princely boy moved toward him, stepping into his personal space. "Please just tell me what I did," he pleaded, brown eyes wide with desperation. His closeness was making Virgil panic slightly, his eyes slipping down to his enticing lips as he let out a shaky breath. He prayed the other boy didn't catch it, but he did as he leaned in even closer. He spoke in a murmur. "Are you going to pretend you don't remember again?"

"I..." he breathed, slightly frightened until he looked into Roman's eyes. He shook his head, allowing him to connect their lips in a gentle and needy kiss. The princely boy backed him up against the counter as he kissed him harder, pulling away only when they needed to breath. "R-Roman..."

"We're just friends, okay?" he whispered, making confusion spiral in his stomach. "Nothing has to change between us. So what if we make out with each other sometimes, it doesn't have to mean anything."

Virgil stared into his eyes, jumping when the timer for the popcorn went off. He unpinned him to allow him to poor the popcorn into a bowl. "Is that okay with you? Virge?" Roman asked quietly when he turned around. Feeling the lingering buzzing of his lips on his own, he nodded, allowing for the corner of his mouth to quirk upwards to create a small smile. 

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