Chapter XXIX

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The end of the tour was upon them. The last show was that evening, and the air was full of goodbyes among the band and the crew. Everyone could sense the end near, a solemn celebratory mood among them all. 

Roman's was more solemn than celebratory; he'd hoped that he could've ended the tour with Virgil as his friend again, but it seemed he'd ruined any chances he had with the singer. He tried to take Luis' advice to heart and had been thinking about his options thoroughly, knowing that one option led to never being able to fix their relationship and the other possibly led to a toxic relationship. 

It wasn't easy for him to do either though, because Virgil was actively ignoring him. Every single opportunity he had to talk to him, he'd leave the room, come up with some excuse, go talk to someone else, after an entire day of that, Roman had lost hope that the singer even wanted him to fix it. 

He sighed heavily as he got ready for the show that evening. He was doing this much earlier than necessary, but the princely man had nothing better to do with the time. With Virgil ignoring him, he really didn't want to see any of the other band members. After this, he figured he wouldn't be invited to anymore shows or to fill in as a guitarist. It was fair, to him, considering how badly he'd hurt the lead singer, technically twice. 

Roman sighed as he buttoned up his performing shirt. He then jumped as the door opened, revealing the drummer he'd talk to the day before. "Hi," he said, not aggressively but not exactly friendly either. "You're getting dressed?"

"Well yeah," he replied with a shrug, swallowing nervously. "Is there something you need, Luis?"

He frowned and crossed his arms. "Yeah, my best friend to stop being depressed," the drummer said. "I thought I told you to fix this? Why is he ignoring all of us now? Did you do something else to him?"

"What? No? Why is he ignoring you guys?" Roman asked as he turned toward him with a worried look. 

"I don't know if you don't know," he retorted, dropping the anger in his voice. He was just confused now and concerned with his best friend's well being. "If you didn't do anything to make him ignore us, why is he avoiding me and Joan? He's been hiding in his bunk and ducking out of the room whenever you show up, of course, but even when you leave, he won't come out."

The princely man looked helpless and desperate. "I don't know! I kept trying to find him to talk to him, but he won't talk to me, so I really don't know what you want from me!"

Luis sighed heavily and sunk down in a chair in the dressing room, pinching the bridge of his nose tightly. There was a long silence between the two of them before he sighed again and stood up. He shook out his head, as if trying to clear his thoughts. "Sorry for jumping to conclusions, I'm just worried about him," he explained, giving the guitarist a guilty, concern-filled look. "He's... he's been through a lot of shit, okay?"

"I know..." Roman said, voice laced with barely concealed guilt of his own. 

Without another word, the drummer began to get dressed into his own clothes. About twenty minutes later they were joined by Joan, but not Virgil. He only showed himself about five minute before they were supposed to go on stage, already fully dressed and in makeup, not looking at any of them as he prepared himself mentally to go perform. 

"Hey Virgil?" the princely man said, approaching him as Joan and Luis headed toward stage, soon to be followed by himself and then finally the singer. He looked at him with dark eyes, an unreadable expression. "Uh... I-"

"We've got a show to play," he mumbled, nodding toward the stage where the impatient audience was cheering for the last two stars of the show. 

Sighing in defeat, he walked toward the stage, feeling his heart heavy in his chest. The lights always burned his eyes and made them watery, but this time the shimmer came from a different source. He'd ruined his chances and Virgil was never going to forgive him, he was certain of it.

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