Chapter XVIII

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A week had gone by, and Virgil's band was having no luck finding a guitarist. The European tour was scheduled to begin next week with a kick off show in New York before they flew to the UK. Virgil felt himself trying not to panic as it hit him. What were they going to do without a guitarist? They needed to find one and fast, or they wouldn't be able to play the show, they would have to cancel the Euro tour.

A thought came to mind that made his stomach drop. It was nuts. It was insane. There was no way he could do it. He didn't think he could even bring himself to, but they needed a guitarist.

There were rumors of Roman Prince dabbling in music lately. He knew from high school that he could play the guitar and the piano a bit, so he wasn't entirely surprised when he heard the news. After all, one of the things the actor had said about his hiatus from the stage was that he wanted to try some new things he'd always been interested in. It was quite possible that Virgil could convince him to fill in for De until they found a long term replacement.

The problem was, he hadn't talked to him in well over a year. The problem was, he was still kind of in love with him. The problem was, he'd called him a liar when he confessed at the concert that night in New York. The problem was... he was scared.

Come on, just do it, a voice in his head murmured. You've been talking yourself out of reconciling with him for years. You've never stopped loving him, but he's surely stopped loving you by now. You two can just go back to being friends, the way it was before that party, before you kissed that night. Or are you that much of a wuss that you won't even try?

Virgil growled to himself as he closed his laptop, got dressed, and grabbed his bag and keys. His mind was a hurricane as he drove to the address he subconsciously memorized since Patton gave it to him, trying to figure out if he was actually going through with it. He shook out his head as he pulled into the driveway. The alternative rockstar checked his appearance once more and exited the car. He swung his bag onto his shoulder and mustered his confidence as he rang the doorbell.

There was barking from inside and a muffled voice from behind the door. Virgil's heart raced as the actor opened it with a smile. It fell into one of shock upon seeing him, as though he'd never expected to see him standing at his doorway.

"V-Virgil Black, greetings," Roman said, stammering in surprise. He gasped as the dog he was keeping behind his legs pushed through them and jumped up at the alternative rockstar. "No! Cookie! Don't do that!"

He went to pull the golden retriever back inside, but Virgil knelt down to pet him. "You got a dog?" he questioned, trying to sound bored. He didn't want Roman to think he was crawling back to him or anything. He may be willing to be friends again, and he may have mostly forgiven what happened, but he wasn't a prissy guy who's going to fall to his knees and beg him to come back. 

"Actually, no, this is Patton's dog," the actor explained with a small smile. "He's on a vacation with Logan, and I offered to take care of Cookie for him."

"Of course Patton would name his dog Cookie," Virgil replied with a smile as Roman laughed a little in agreement. There was suddenly an awkward silence between them as the rockstar stood up. "Could I talk to you?"

Roman's eyes widened, fear flashing through them despite his smile as he beckoned him inside. Virgil entered his house, looking around in awe. The actor had definitely done well. The successes of his film and stage careers was displayed all around the large living room; he'd be lying if he didn't admit that the Oscar award he'd won last year didn't momentarily take his breath away. He led the rockstar to his couch, though he was the only one to sit down.

Virgil stood in front of him, lifting his chin as he mustered his confidence yet again. This was a difficult thing to word gently, so he decided to go right for it. "I want you to join my band."

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