Chapter XI

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Roman had been living in New York for a few months, and it had been a year since the last time he tried to contact his former best friend. He wished that any of his attempts had been successful, but they weren't. The old Roman would've found him and started a fight with him over the fact that he left him and never responded, but the person he was now was calmer and more mature. He didn't intend to argue over what happened, but he did feel obligated to at least apologize.

Now he was seated at a concert, there for a reason. He'd been unable to sleep well these past couple months. His past kept coming back to haunt him as the success of Virgil's band popped of everywhere. What was making it the most unbearable was that guitar player. Roman had seen the videos of them on stage, practically undressing each other with their stares and flirting shamelessly. He'd seen the kiss, and the affectionate remarks during interviews. They were so obvious it was painful, yet they continuously denied they were together. It made him feel something he couldn't describe.

So there he was, at one of his concerts. He needed to get something off his chest. When the concert had ended, Roman rushed to the stage door. Virgil was known for staying outside the stage door a long time after shows, so he knew his chance to talk was then.

His breath caught in his throat as he walked out. There were a cluster of fans cheering and screaming as he walked up and signed things, chatted, and took pictures. Roman only approached when the other fans left.

"Hey! What can I..." Virgil turned as he tapped his shoulder, his voice trailing off upon seeing him. "Roman Prince..."

Roman smiled a little that he remembered his name. "Hey, Virgil," he said, feeling awkward under his intense stare. He fought the urge to dramatically kiss him, and beg him to be with him. He scolded himself as his eyes wandered down to his lips for a brief second. The princely man forced himself to meet his eyes, which were still decorated with the gorgeous makeup he'd put on for the show. "Could we talk?"

"About... what exactly?" Virgil questioned, looking confused, skeptical, and slightly annoyed as he started walking toward his car. Roman followed him, feeling his heart pounding in his chest.

"I just wanted to say..." he started, looking at him. He felt his heart ache as he looked away. "I wanted to say I'm sorry... I'm sorry for the way I acted back then... letting you go was the worst mistake I've ever made..."

He looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Okay, apology accepted I guess. I don't know what you're trying to achieve here," he said frowning even more. He continued walking as he spoke. "You led me on to think you actually cared about me when really you just wanted a 'friend with benefits' to give you some whenever you wanted it. You laughed in my face at the very thought of a relationship with me. What do you want me to even say to you?"

Roman was speechless as his throat closed up. "I-I..."

"Whatever, I've moved on, Roman," Virgil said as he threw his bag in the car. He crossed his arms as he turned back to him, looking at him expectantly. "Is that all?"

He thought for a moment, back tracking in their conversation and realizing something. "Wait a second," he murmured as he thought about it. The old Roman reared its head, anger seeping into his voice. "If you're still mad at me for calling us 'friends with benefits', what do you call your relationship with your guitar player?"

Virgil's eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly as he was caught off guard. He quickly recovered, setting his jaw. "I don't know what you're implying."

"Seriously? You two are all over each other during the shows! I saw it tonight! I know what you look like when you want someone, Virgil," he pressed, stepping closer. "Because you used to look at me that way. You wanted him, but you both deny you're dating to the press."


"So, if you're sleeping with your guitarist but not dating, how does that make what happened between us such a life ruining mistake?" Roman questioned, more confidence in his voice now.

The singer looked at him with a glare. "You don't know what you're talking about," he snapped. "I'm not sleeping with him."

"So you think that he's in love with you, and you're in love with him," Roman stated, putting the pieces together based on his reaction and ignoring his protests. "I thought you decided not to fall in love with people you sleep with before dating them. You don't even know if he actually loves you. He could just be pretending."

Virgil looked like he'd been slapped, hurt and angry. "So? What makes you any fucking different?!" he snarled, taking a step toward him. "You used me! You made me feel like I was worth something just so you could use me! What makes you any different from De?! We haven't even slept together, he's just lusting after me, and we were messing around, not that it's any of your goddamn business! So what the hell makes you different?!" 

The intensity of his tone made the princely man step back, looking shocked for a moment before blinking and realizing this was his chance. His chance to say what he should've said from the beginning.

"What makes me different is that I loved you," he said forcefully.

The singer started laughing. He started laughing so much he had tears in the corner of his eyes by the time he stopped. "Don't lie to me," he said with a head shake as his smile faded to form a thin line with his lips. "Now, are you done?"

Roman looked at him in shock, the emotionless glare on his ex-best friend's face telling him all he needed to know. He became aware of how stupid he was behaving, kicking the old Roman back as he calmed down. He let his head hang as he nodded. He'd come tonight simply to apologize, and he'd overstepped. "Yes, sorry for bothering you, you guys were great tonight," he managed as he backed away. Virgil said thank you and got into the car, driving off and leaving Roman to stand there reflecting on his choices. He'd given anything to trade that mistake, that one stupid mistake.

He sighed heavily as he headed for his own car, tears falling once he sat in front of the wheel. He knew he wouldn't be sleeping that night.

Virgil looked out the window as they drove away from Roman, feeling a small tugging feeling in his chest. He shook it away, facing forward again and putting on his headphones. He was better now, he'd moved on... more or less... Roman had blown his chance with him and he wasn't getting another, no matter how badly his heart wanted to give him one.

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