Chapter XXVII

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Roman woke up the next morning laying down with the singer's head resting on his chest. He felt his cheeks warm with realization of what had happened the night before, how their bodies were intertwined in a way that would not be seen as platonic.

"Virge, Virge! Wake up!" he whispered, nudging him slightly. It was still early, and he was hoping that he could convince him to get some rest in his bunk. "Wake up!"

"What Princey?" he whined, cuddling closer.

He smiled, reaching up to pet his hair. "You've gotta get some real rest, love," he murmured. "Come on, I'll carry you."

The alternative rockstar let out a little whine as he pealed himself away from their cuddly embrace. He knelt down and scooped the man into his arms, carrying him toward the bunks as he let out soft, sleepy giggles. Roman felt his heart swell in his chest at the sound.

Once Virgil was laying peacefully in his bunk, he returned to his own, feeling content and prepared to rest for the last couple hours of the drive to the second to last venue.


Adrenaline; that's what Roman wants to say it is. That's his excuse for why Virgil kept coming close to him. That's his excuse for why Virgil got down on his knees to sing to him suggestively about loving his taste. That's his excuse for the way Virgil's lips grazed his neck as he leaned in too close for true comfort during a guitar solo. It was just a result of adrenaline.

However, now they were back at the hotel, hanging in the singer's room as a band. They were laughing, drinking non-alcoholic beverages for the most part, and the air was peaceful.

Roman didn't think so. Every time he looked Virgil's way, the man was looking back. He felt his heart rate steadily increasing despite the uneventfulness of their little after show hang out. This wasn't normal, and he couldn't tell why there was so much tension, there just was, and it concerned him. He wasn't sure if Virgil kept looking at him or if he was looking his way because Roman kept looking at him. He wasn't sure if he was imagining the energy in the air or not. He was tense though, and wished he could come up with a good excuse to leave.

It concerned him even more when Joan and Luis left for their own rooms, leaving he and Virgil alone. He couldn't deny the way his heart raced when he met the gaze of the other man.

"That was a great show tonight," the singer said quietly, looking at him with a smile.

He looked back at him, blinking once. Had he always been sitting that close? "Yeah, I don't think you missed a single note," he said, playing it off. "You were fantastic!"

"Not as fantastic as you," Virgil countered, pointing a finger at his chest. "You didn't mess up at, despite your limited experience."

Roman blushed a little bashfully. He was grateful to hear such praise from someone he looked up to. "Thank you, Virgil, it means a lot coming from you," he said, smiling at him.

It was then that he realized that they had gotten substantially closer to one another. He had no idea what was going through Virgil's mind, but it seemed he couldn't help himself. He leaned forward, closing the gap between them with a kiss. Roman gasped, but melted into it, cupping his face as their lips moved together.

At that moment, Roman seemed to remember who he was, where he was, and what they were doing. He broke away, gasping. "Virgil... that's not a good idea," he warned, looking up to meet his eyes sadly.

"What?" he whispered in reply.

"I'm stopping you," he said more forcefully, gently pushing him to sit back on the couch. "I'm stopping you before we do something we'll both regret."

Virgil's mouth fell open in shock, never expecting to hear him of all people saying that after how he'd used to act. "W-What do you mean?"

"I mean... this never works," Roman explained, feeling his chest ache with longing. All he wanted was to pull the other man close and kiss him until he couldn't breathe, but he couldn't. "We don't work. We mess each other up, big time. We hurt each other when we try this. I can't- I can't hurt you again, Virge."

The singer frowned, eyes wide and upset. "I don't understand," he said, voice wavering. "We talked, we worked it out. Roman I- you know I want you, why can't we just-"

"It's not that simple, Virgil!" the guitarist said, voice forceful enough to make him jump. He reach out to grab his shoulders, looking him dead in the eye. "I... I want you too, I really do, but I'd rather confine myself to being your friend than hurt you again as your lover. I can't... I just can't do this again..."

The alternative rockstar stared at him, tears welling up in his eyes. Roman felt his heart shatter within his ribcage. He needed to get out of there before he broke down.

"I'm sorry, Virgil, I'm so sorry," he managed as he moved away. He stood up, hurrying toward the door.

The singer moved to follow him, letting out broken cries of his name as he left the room. "Roman!" he exclaimed, tears dripping down his cheeks. The door to his hotel room shut, and he was left alone again, cause him to sink to his knees on the floor, crying hopelessly. "I don't u-understand... I thought he loved me..."

Roman hurried away from the door as tears pricked his eyes, making sure he got into his own room before letting any of them fall. It hurt so bad to see the person he loved the most in his life in pain because of him, again.

That was his point; they had a talent for hurting each other, and he didn't want that to happen, even if it meant hurting himself by saying no to Virgil.

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