Chapter VIII

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Roman was smiling at the darkly dressed boy on the screen. He looked so out of place, but strangely calm given his anxious nature.

He rubbed his eyes slightly, being seated at lunch with his friend group and not wanting to be caught crying. It had only been a few weeks since Virgil had walked right out of his life without a warning, and he'd still yet to receive a reply from him. It was slowly killing the princely boy's hope for any kind of relationship with him. The closest he got to him was watching the interviews.

"Alright boys! Welcome back from the break, we're going to do some more Twitter questions," the host said with a smile as the band looked among themselves with nods. Roman crossed his fingers that the host would pick his question, wanting Virgil to know he wasn't done trying just yet. "Our first question is from @SirSingALot, Roman-"

He gasped, immediately looking toward the darkly dressed vocalist on the other end of the couch. His in real life friends were all nudging him excitedly, but he was more focused on the screen. Virgil's eyes widened just a little as something flashed through his gaze as it looked at the camera. He looked tense, shifting uncomfortably and trying to avoid eye contact with everyone, but he kept glancing at the camera subconsciously. Roman immediately felt guilt crawl through his skin, seeing the reaction to just his name. The guitarist sitting next to him noticed it, leaning over to mutter something inaudible into his ear. The action made him jealous and paranoid.

Had Virgil told his bandmates about what happened between them? Roman had thought that was meant to be a personal thing between the two of them.

"- and he asks: do you miss any parts of your life from before you became so popular?" the host finished, turning to the band.

They were all quiet for a moment as they contemplated their answers, but Roman was more focused on the darkly dressed boy's face as he noticeably winced at the question. He bit his lip in guilt, feeling bad for putting him on the spot.

How else was I supposed to ask you, Virgil? he thought sadly with a sigh at the way he shifted uncomfortably. I've tried everything I could think of, this was my last resort.

"Well, personally, I just miss my bed and my bedroom," the drummer, Luis, said, a small smile on his lips. "Going on tour is really awesome though, so thank all of you for making that possible!"

The studio audience clapped as he passed the mic to the bassist sitting on his left. "I miss my beanie," they said bluntly, earning a laugh from the crowd.

"You don't have your beanie with you?" the host questioned with an amused smile.

"Nah, I lost it!" Joan said with an exaggerated pout. "Rest in peace Marco!"

The other band members laughed at that one, even Virgil, which made Roman's heart flutter. "You named the beanie?" the host asked with a laugh.

"Yeah! His name's Marco!" they said, earning some laughs from the audience. "Yeah, I lost him somewhere between here and home while we were traveling. So, that's my answer."

The audience clapped as they passed the mic to the guitarist. Roman felt his eyes narrow with slight hatred, seeing the way the darkly dressed boy next to him was looking at him. "I miss the ice cream shop on the corner of the town we're from."

Virgil's face lit up at the mention of it. "Oh my god! I remember that!" he exclaimed, earning an affectionate smile from two different people, only one of them able to be seen.

I should hope you do, I went with you there all the time-

"I would hope so given how often I'd take you there," De said, nudging him playfully with his elbow. "You'd always get ice cream on your nose when you tried to eat the cone too quickly!"

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