Chapter VI

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Virgil was nearly in tears with joy, looking at the finished product of their very first record. Luis was hugging him as De and Nate cheered and clapped. "I can't believe we did it," he murmured, hugging the vinyl. 

"You four are now superstars!" their manager said as they looked at him. "Thanks to our marketing team, your album's already being bought, and you've got a performance Friday morning at 10:00 AM. Half the tickets are already gone."

"But what about school?" Luis questioned, earning a grin from their manager.

He was typing away on his phone. "Kid, you don't gotta go to school anymore!" he explained. "You've got access to private tutors if you want 'em! If you've got any boyfriends, girlfriends, romantic partners, whatever, let me know soon so I can get it worked out with the scheduling and everything. Now come on! Let's go celebrate!"

Virgil's heart dropped at the mention of boyfriend. Now that, was a subject he wasn't sure how to approach.


Roman was staring across the class room, biting his pencil. The boy he was looking at glanced his way, making him wink as he smirked. The boy rolled his eyes and turned back to the board. Roman pouted at his reaction, taking out his phone and texting him. The boy frowned and took out his phone as it buzzed. He rolled his eyes again, shaking his head with a small smile as he texted back. When the finally bell rang they both got into Roman's car and drove to the boy's house. Once inside, their lips connected passionately as they walked to the couch.

"Again, Roman? Really?" the boy asked with smirk as the other kissed his neck. "You know the others are getting suspicious."

Roman just laughed and pulled back to look down at him. "Sorry, can't help it, Virgil," he said seductively from his position above him.

This had been going on for almost a month.It was a miracle their friends hadn't caught on to their act, still assuming their flirtatious remarks were part of the joke. They had no idea of how often they'd end attacking each other's mouths almost everyday.

Roman went back down to kiss him again, but to his surprise, the darkly dressed boy pulled back and pushed him off of him. He looked at him in surprise with a small laugh, assuming he was playing around.

"Roman, what am I to you?" he asked, fidgeting. His heart dropped at the question as Virgil looked at him with those deep brown eyes. Was he actually asking him about his feelings? He wasn't prepared to admit them to him. The mood the moment had drastically changed from heated and sexual to heavy and tense. This was something Virgil needed to have answered. He was about to become a rockstar, and he needed to know if he and Roman were a thing, or if they were just a couple of kids being stupid.  "Do you... want a relationship with me?"

Not knowing how to respond, the princely laughed it off nervously, missing the hurt in the boy's eyes. "Come on, Virge! We're friends! We're friends..." he leaned flirtatiously. "With some benefits."

Virgil backed away and stood up. Horror at himself for asking, and hurt by the response. He couldn't do this anymore; he'd thought they would become something more than just... this. Now that he was becoming a success, he'd started imagining them together, truly as a couple, but Roman didn't think of him as anymore than this. He grabbed his bag an hoisted it onto his shoulder. "Sorry, I've gotta go..." he muttered, walking out the front door without another word.

Roman's eyes widened as he left, heart pounding in his chest as he thought about what had just happened. He felt an uncomfortable emptiness in the place next to him where he'd been sitting. The princely boy couldn't help but start to worry he'd made some huge mistake by not owning up to his romantic feelings for him.

The next day, Virgil was missing the entire day. Roman tried not to be bothered by it. Surely it was merely a coincidence. Still, he was worried; no matter where their relationship stood, Virgil would always be his friend. He found Logan and Patton after school, panting as he ran up to them.

"Hey! Have you guys seen Virgil?" he questioned.

Patton opened his mouth to say something, looking angry, but Logan stopped him. "He had something he needed to do today, he'll probably be back Monday," he said simply before leading his boyfriend by the hand toward his car. Roman was deeply confused at the glare Patton was sending him.

"Did I say something to offend Patton?" he asked himself quietly as he headed home. "Great, I think I've pissed off two of my friends now. At least I can talk to Virgil about it Monday. I wonder what he needed to do today..."

He didn't talk to Virgil about it the next day, or the day after that, or the day after that. He didn't come back to school for the entire week. Roman looked over at the empty desk, paranoid as he texted him again. There was a weeks worth of texts in their chat, all from his end. He didn't know what had caused Virgil to be missing so much school, but at lunch he found out why.

"Roman! Have you heard this new band?!" Remy, a typically very tired friend of his, exclaimed shoving his phone in his face. "They're freaking amazing!!"

He took the phone from him to watch whatever video he was showing him, eyes widening. He was watching Virgil. Roman was watching Virgil singing into a mic as he played a purple and black electric guitar along with a band. He looked so different, confident. He was smirking as he sang, his voice powerful and beautiful. His clothes, his makeup, that smirk... it took his breath away.

"That- That's Virgil," he said, breathless.

"Yeah dude! Everyone's going nuts over him and his band!!" he explained. "They're already in the top ten of the charts and it's only their first real album! They've been recording singles for months, but I guess they finally got their shot with a record label or something!"

Roman was entranced, watching him sing with a smile on his face. His voice was fantastic, giving him chills. "T-That... that must be why he's been gone," he said with a nod. "He probably got private tutors and stuff so he won't need to come here..."

His voice trailed off as he frowned a little. Virgil was moving across the stage toward their guitar player. He was smirking at him flirtatiously, making his skin crawl. He got even more furious when they got really close, almost kissing as they both shared the mic. Why was he so upset? Virgil wasn't his boyfriend. They were just friends... with benefits. He could flirt with whoever he wanted. 

Because you love him and was too scared to admit it when he asked, his mind informed him. You're a coward Roman Prince. He was yours, and you let him slip through your fingers because you were afraid of telling him your true feelings.

Trying to push those thoughts aside, Roman wondered how different it would be without him around; he could already feel an aching in his chest he identified with longing. He wasn't going to see him... they could text. That was, if Virgil ever replied.

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