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Jungkook sits bored on the couch, Attack on Titan playing quietly on the T.V, as he scrolls through Instagram.

Since his parents were still absent of the house, Jungkook was freely smoking all the weed he wants, right in the middle of the central living space.

Jungkook giggles quietly at something on his phone; he takes yet another drag from his joint.

Deciding that he was bored, and Instagram and the T.V is no longer enough entertainment, Jungkook invites Taehyung over.

I'm bored

What do you want me to do about that Princess?

Come over?

I'm about to meet up with my dealer

My parents aren't home

We can smokeEat
And watch TV
Maybe even more...Sounds good Babydoll

Video games?

Whatever your feeling

I'll be there in a bit

Jungkook smiles to himself, clicking his phone off, throwing it somewhere, into the vast sea of the unnecessary amount of pillows and blankets.


A knock on the door, took Jungkook by surprise, making him jump and fall off the couch.

He groans, cursing quietly to himself, as he gets up, limping over to the door. Taehyung stands outside, holding up about ten packets of various junk foods.

"Did you get weed? My dealer is out of town at the moment, I have hardly anything left," Jungkook asks.

"Yes, needy slut, and yes, I'll share with you," Taehyung sighs, rolling his eyes and stepping into Jungkook's home.

Taehyung turns around to find Jungkook limping, from the fall earlier.

"Were you fingering yourself before I came, Babydoll? Is that why you're limping?" Taehyung asks slyly.

"I'll have you know, that I fell, because of you and your fucking loud-ass knocking. Took me by surprise, who the hell knocks? It's the twenty fucking first century, no one knocks, we just send a text message."

Herbs // b.t.s + j.j.kWhere stories live. Discover now