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Jungkook can't remember how long he had been there, in that dark room. Sleep isn't an option, every time he closes his eyes, the memories taint his eyelids, forcing him to replay the scene over, and over, and over, and over again. Jungkook's skin had become a sickly grey colour, his eyes that once had a spark of life, adventure in them, are now dull and glassy. He has refused any sort of food, screaming and crying, whenever his foster mother brings it up to him.

Jungkook swallows dryly, his throat feeling like sandpaper. In the past forty-eight hours, Jungkook's phone has not stopped buzzing. Something about agreeing to go to a party, a few weeks back. The bunny no longer has any energy to reply, or care, as the messages pile in, one of top of each other.

"They have no more use for me, once they find out I'm no longer a virgin," Jungkook whispers to himself, watching as the group chat continues to buzz away, everyone talking to each other.

A soft knock on his door, makes him break the strong eye contact he has with his phone. "Jungkook?" His foster mother asks softly, peaking her head around the door, waiting for something to hurled into her direction again. After nothing is thrown into her direction, she finally steps into the room, holding a tray of food and a tall glass of water. She walks over and puts it down on the table beside him.

"Why do you care?" Jungkook asks, as the woman starts to walk out the room.


"A few days ago, we were screaming at each other, you were saying how I am your burden, how you're going to give me away and shit. Why are you being nice to me now?"

"I... I want to try to make things right..."

"Yeah bullshit. Tell me the real reason. The night I came home, you were there, trying to pick a fight with me. I DON'T WANT YOUR FUCKING PITY!"

"Jungkook, that night, when your were crying over the toilet bowl, do you remember what you had said?"

"I say shit like that all the time."

"It was the way you said it, there was so much pain in your voice. When we get into our fights usually, those words are just carelessly thrown around. When you said them... It was just raw pain in your voice."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"It's no secret, we don't get along, I'm not your mother, I'm just a family friend. We never got along, even when you were a child. But that doesn't mean I want you to die."

"I'm sad, but I don't want to die."

"I'm not stupid, Jungkook," and with that, she leaves the room again.


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