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Jungkook paces around his house in small circles, everyone's advice echos in his head. People telling him to stay, people telling him to leave, people telling him to do what he wants. But how is he supposed to know what he wants, when everyone says something different, and the second person contradicts the second person.

"Jungkook?" Haewon asks, walking down the stairs, seeing her foster child stressed out.

"What?" Jungkook snaps, whipping his head around snarling at Haewon.

"It's three am, what are you doing up?" Haewon asks, writing off Jungkook's bad manners.

"I'm thinking."

Haewon sighs deeply, shaking her head, as she walks toward the kitchen to get some water.

"Hey, remember I only have the rest of today, and until exactly twelve o' clock tomorrow, to come up with a decision," Jungkook snaps. Haewon walks back into the living room, handing the stressed child a tall glass of water.

"You're not going to make a rational decision, without getting enough sleep," she merely comments, handing him a sleeping pill.

"You can stop being so nice, I know you want me to go off with Ji-sang, just so you can go back to Busan."

"Ji-sang is a better option for you, I don't want you to move away, so I can move back to Busan, as much as I'd like to. Ji-sang can give you something... Something I can't."

"Just give up the act, we both don't like each other. I know you just want to get back to Busan, besides, I doubt there is anything Ji-sang can give me, that you could give if you put in two ounces of effort-."

"HE CAN GIVE YOU LOVE!" Haewon yells, "you can have all the mansions and ponies in the world, but if no one loves you, you're still empty."

"My friends love me."

"Jungkook, I know you crave the kind of love a parent and a child has; these walls aren't sound proof. I was talking to Ji-sang on the phone the other day, the way he reacted to even having the possibility of taking care of you... There was so much love in his voice. Look, I don't love you, just like you don't love me, but Ji-sang does love you, I'm not doing this for me. You can finally get a replica of a father - son relationship, and Ji-sang and his boyfriend, well they can finally have a child to take care of. This is something that you both want, I have no say in your decision, but I have a feeling, you've known since the officers presented you with the options."

With that, Haewon leaves Jungkook standing in the living room, a glass of water and sleeping pills in his hands.


Jungkook ended up sleeping through most of the day, waking up to a mountain of text messages at two pm. He scratches his head, yawning and stretching up high, it was probably one of the better nights rest Jungkook had had, in the past week or so.

The bunny picks up his phones, most of the texts from his friends, asking if he's come to a decision, and if so what is it, if he wants to hang out, and a range of other questions. Jungkook chooses to call Taehyung, asking him if he wants to come over.

Hey hyung

Hey Babydoll!
You haven't been answering our texts :(

I just woke up

Did you sleep well?

Actually kinda

That's good!
Anygays~ what'd you wanna talk about?

Can you come over?

Be there in 5

Jungkook clicks his screen off, sighing deeply. "Suppose I should freshen up," Jungkook sighs to himself, removing the sheen white shirt from over his head. Jungkook mentally cringes, looking at himself in the mirror, the bruises and scratches, while healing, are still very evident on his body.

Jungkook removes the rest of his clothes, stepping into the cold shower. Jungkook gives a long sigh, loving the feeling of cold water running over his warm skin, washing the sleep from his bones.

The loud sound of his bathroom door opening, causing Jungkook to shriek loudly, making a desperate attempt to cover his body.

"Jesus Doll, it's not like I haven't seen you naked before," Taehyung tuts, beginning to remove his shirt.

"KIM FUCKING TAEHYUNG! I'M GOING TO BEAT YOUR ASS! I THOUGH YOU WERE AN INTRUDER!" Jungkook yells, switching from terrified to angry in a split second.

"Chill, Babydoll, you know it's me now," Taehyung sighs, stepping in the shower with Jungkook.

"If you weren't so hot, I'd beat your ass," Jungkook mumbles under his breath.

"Doll, we both know that I'm the only one who beats that ass, now pass me the shampoo," Taehyung comments, slapping Jungkook's ass.


"You love me."

Jungkook shakes his head, turning around to grab the shampoo, giving Taehyung a full view, of something he doesn't mind seeing. The bunny turns back around, handing Taehyung the shampoo bottle.

"You look good like this," Taehyung smirks, squirting some shampoo into his hand, "turn around."

"You are not fucking me in the shower!" Jungkook snaps.

"Jesus Doll, I was going to wash your hair, now turn around."

The boys spend a few minutes in silence, Jungkook leaning into Taehyung's sweet touch, as he massages the various hair products into his hair. "You really are beautiful, Jungkook," Taehyung compliments, sincerity lacing his voice, making Jungkook blush like a high schooler.

"Thanks," Jungkook mumbles quietly, but loud enough for Taehyung to smile, resulting in a small smile, spreading across his face. Once finished with applying the many hair products in Jungkook's hair, Taehyung washes them all out. "If... If I do move to Japan, what will you guys do?" Jungkook suddenly asks.

"Well, we'll definitely be very sad for a while, but we can still contact you everyday, and we will; you should expect a lot of late night, phone sex calls," Taehyung jokes, making Jungkook let out a low chuckle.

"Well, I'm still here now, why don't I get you off, one last time?" Jungkook smirks suggestively, pushing Taehyung up against the cold shower wall. The elder's strong arms, wrap around the younger, hands immediately going to his backside, kneading the soft flesh.

"I suppose, I wouldn't be opposed to that idea," Taehyung smirks.


Misty - my dog - is sleeping next to me while I wrote this, and she just started barking in her sleep, it made me want to just uwu ❤️💖💝💓💞😍💜❣️💝


Twitter: Kooks_cream

Snapchat: Kookscream




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