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Jungkook lays back on his bed, a pack of frozen peas are placed on his raw red knuckles, Minho, Taehyung and Seokjin, look at him.

"You seriously went to town on him," Minho chuckles.

"I told him, I was going to show him number one," Jungkook smirks, before sighing heavily, "look, no matter what I choose, it doesn't work out for me. I know I was beating the shit out of him earlier, but... Whenever I look at him, all I can see is just that night. I'll never be able to escape the memories..."

Taehyung sighs, sitting down next to Jungkook. "Damn dude, I never thought I'd see someone break you," Minho comment .

"You weren't there, like in Busan, that shit was crazy... But this was actually scary. I was tied up, I couldn't move, it was horrible and disgusting."

"Look, in all my years of knowing you, never once have I seen you bat an eyelid, not once. That's what made you so scary, so intimidating. So, I can only imagine the kind of pain and trauma you went through, for someone to break you. Well... I've gotta go," Minho sighs, waving the boys off.

"I dunno what I'm going to do... I mean, living with my only sane uncle, away from all this bullshit, actually sounds really nice right now," Jungkook admits.

Seokjin comes and sits on the other side of Jungkook, laying down. "No matter which way you choose to go, we're going to stick by your side. There's no right way in this matter, and if you choose to go to Japan, then we'll call you everyday, until you're old enough to come back to us. And if you choose to stay here in Seoul, with us, we'll make sure to try and minimise how much you see Kijung, at our very best," Seokjin explains.

"But... if you do come to the decision, that you just can't stay here, we'll support you, as Seokjin said. We'll keep in contact, until you grow up and can make decisions for yourself, and finally come back to us," Taehyung adds.

"Can... Can you guys please sleepover tonight?" Jungkook asks softly.

"What about Haewon? I thought she didn't like us staying over?" Seokjin points out.

"She's being more lax, with the whole might be moving to Japan thing. Truth told, if I decide to move off to Japan, her parole is officially done with, as she only had to take care of me until I move out. So she's being extra nice to me, allowing me to have whatever I want, do whatever I want, as to persuade me to move away. Because then she can move back to Busan."

"Damn, she really doesn't give a shit."

"That's it right there."

Taehyung sighs, rolling over to hug Jungkook, kissing his neck lovingly, "we'll stay over tonight, don't worry. But you're going to have to start thinking of what you want to do, and if you want our weigh in on the situation, now's the time to ask."

The room is silent, the only sounds emitting are the steady ticks of a clock, trees rustling from outside the bedroom, and the distant sounds of birds. "What... What do you guys think?" Jungkook finally breaks the silence.

"If you are to ask me, straight off the bat, I'd say I want you to stay right here. But obviously, I've looked into a bit... And I do think that the emotional trauma for you, is a lot, and it would be for anyone. And you're literally given a free ticket out of all of it, free from your's and Haewon's endless fights, free from feeling like you have to be number one, free from Kijung. I'll miss you a lot, and I personally want you to stay here, but I think it'd be in your better light to move off to Japan."


Jungkook groggily wakes up, having not slept well the previous night. With constant tossing and turning all night, thinking about his options, along with just thinking in general. The decision couldn't come light heartedly, as it is no joke what he path he chooses to take, it will effect him for the rest of his life.

"Hey Babydoll, how'd you sleep?" Taehyung yawns, resting his arm over Jungkook's torso.

"Horrible, this decision thing kept me up all night. I could barely get any sleep."

"Aww, Doll..."

Jungkook sighs heavily, he feels like that's all he's been doing for the past few days. "It's fine, the more I think about it, the more I'll be able to come to a solid decision, right?"

"Not necessarily, I mean, first impression count right? No matter how much you toss and turn, if your gut disagrees, you'll never truely feel right. Now, I'm going to get some more sleep, and you should too," Taehyung yawns, snuggling into Jungkook.

But Jungkook doesn't fall back asleep, his mind starts to feel like it's whirling, questions and thoughts cloud his head. It feels as if there is just a constant ringing in his ear, forbidding him to move, or to get any clear thoughts to present themselves. It feels like he's swimming, drowning in his thoughts, the questions.

'What should I do?'

Everything seems to be hazy in his mind, nothing making a clear picture, no particular voice making itself heard, just a constant never ending stream of whispering thoughts. It feels almost suffocating, like he's choking, but breathing just fine.

Jungkook wants to scream, and pull at his hair until there is nothing, wishing that this could have happened to someone else.  Hot tears threaten to roll down his soft cheeks, but Jungkook fights back the urge to cry. But he's done with crying, and he's done with just moping around the house, refusing to eat and drink. Now is the time for action, and Jungkook is more then ready to start taking back what's his, and more importantly,

What he deserves.


Damn, a double update in one night. I'm just really on a roll right now.

But I'm going to throw that all away, because it's currently 11:24pm and ya girl needs to sleep some time tonight.

I'll update tomorrow.


Twitter: Kooks_cream

Snapchat: Kookscream




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