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Jungkook stands before the principle, police, and his six friends. "So, do you have proof, that Kijung has done this to you?" One of the officers ask. Jungkook merely lifts up his shirt, the ranges of bruises, hickeys and scratches and on display for everyone, the principal turns away, unable to look.

"If I can't convict him for rape, I'm convicting him for assault. I don't care what happens to him, he's going away one way or another," Jungkook growls, letting down his shirts and stepping up to the officer.

"Now, now Jungkook, no need to threaten, I understand you're not from Seoul, you were born in Busan."

"That would be correct."

"And you're in the foster system."

Jungkook's friends, except Taehyung and Seokjin, exchange confused looks between each other, coming across this new information.

"That would also be correct."

"So, who are you currently staying with?"

"My mother's friend, Haewon."

"No relatives?" The officer asks suspiciously.

"No, they were either nut jobs like my parents, in jail or dead. I don't see how you asking me all these questions, is going to put a fucking rapist in jail."

"I've been in contact with the child services, before I came here. Are you aware that if you have immediate family, unless mentally unstable, or convicted of a crime and currently in jail, they will be the first to take care of you?"

"I'm aware, now when are we going to put Kijung in fucking prison?"

"Your mother, has a brother, living in Japan. He was completely skipped, covered up, by your family when child services first sent you off."

"I didn't come here to play games, I've beaten up an officer before, I'll do it again."

"Oh Kijung, has special arrangements with the police, and higher ranks, so I'm going to present you with two options. You get to stay here, with your friends in Seoul, and keep your pretty little mouth shut about what happened with Kijung that day. Or, we convict him, he goes to jail, but you are sent off to Japan, to go live with your uncle."

Jungkook lurches forward, only to have Taehyung quickly grab him around the waist, lifting him up and holding him back. "LET ME FUCKING AT HIM!" Jungkook yells, thrashing around.

The officer looks smugly at Jungkook, crossing his arms. "So, what is it going to be?"

Seokjin steps forward, as the rest of them all go to hold Jungkook down, which proves to be a harder task than anticipated. "When do we have to have our answer by?" Seokjin asks.

"I'll give you til Friday."

Seokjin nods, turning to his friends "take him to the bathroom and just get him some water, I'll be out with you in a bit," he instructs, everyone nods, picking Jungkook up. "Don't let him hurt Kijung either!" Seokjin calls, before turning back to the officer.

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