Chapter 1

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(so I have no idea how uni works yet, so have a mess of stuff which is probably wrong oops)

Two weeks later ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"And that's everything for today, make sure to read up on the works of composers to understand the music people were dancing to in the Romantic Period, which will help you to choreograph and dance to it later on in the course. You may be dismissed."

I pick up my book, shoving it into my bag with a ferocity that emulates that of everyone else in the room. Lectures started a few days ago, and homework and assignments have already begun to pile up. I signed up to help at Hoseok's dance school thing, as per his advice, and that takes up about half of my free time.

However, I am getting paid. Which is incredibly useful for me, a broke university student who needs money in order to survive.

I leave the room, barely glancing at the professor, still zipping my bag shut as I make my way toward the exit, trying to avoid human contact as usual. I'm due at the drama school in about two hours, for an after-class club or something like that. And I'm starving. I've only eaten an apple today, and now my stomach is calling out for something to eat.

If I get back to my apartment on time, I should be able to grab some sort of snack, which would be a relief. Avoiding food now simply isn't an option, especially since dance is extremely energetic.

I take a deep breath as the fresh air hits my face, swinging my bag over my shoulder and lifting my phone to read the screen. For a few moments, I scroll through my playlists, unsure of what to listen to, then I find one with relatively good songs for walking around. My mouth instinctively curves into a satisfied smile, and I place both headphones in my ears before pressing play and pushing the device into the pocket of my jeans.

My feet naturally follow the rhythm of the intro, occasionally tapping out a complex beat onto the pavement below out of habit, one that comes from one too many tap dance lessons in my childhood. For a moment, I'm lost in my own world, trapped in the sounds produced by the two miniature speakers in my ears.

The journey from the campus to my apartment is almost second nature now, as I take the exact same route every time. I'm accustomed to every footstep of the way, like some sort of new choreography that I've had to learn.

It certainly makes life a little easier now that I no longer get lost, but there is a part of me that wishes I found something cool on one of those occasions where I had no idea where to go. I think it probably comes from my childish longing for adventure and excitement, something which hasn't changed at all.

I reach the complex surprisingly quickly, my hand lifting automatically to scan myself in and enter the building without hesitation. I'm on the lift moments later, and approaching my apartment half a song after that. (I time myself through music. Because why not.)

"Fuck," I mumble to myself when I walk in, seeing a few pizza boxes on the kitchen counter and a mountain of washing up waiting for me in the sink, "I really ought to clean this place up." I glance around, taking in the mess of unopened cardboard boxes and random folders scattered around the living room as if they've been thrown (they have). I know that my bedroom is worse, I just don't want to think about that too much.

In the rush of the last two weeks of moving in and adjusting to university life, I've left behind all of the housework a little, which is probably a bad idea, as now it's all piled up shockingly fast. It's amazing what leaving home can do.

The next hour or so is taken up by clearing away things and sorting the apartment, as I can't leave it like this now that I've noticed that there's an issue. Once I've done that, I check the time, only now remembering the nagging hunger rising within me.

I have just over half an hour to eat enough to keep going for the next three or four hours. No pressure.

I check the fridge, scanning the contents with critical eyes. There's some food in here. A solution? My hand reaches out for a sandwich I bought a few days ago. I meant to eat that day but changed my mind at the last minute. And it doesn't seem too safe now, as it's been sitting in the fridge the whole time.

I look at it carefully, trying to figure out if it's going to cause me issues. I can't tell. I haven't developed that sort of instinct yet. So there's no certainty there.

I'm just sure that it's at least two days past the 'sell by date' now, and I'm a little worried about what will happen if I eat it. I could go to the cafe down the road and grab a takeaway, or something which is probably safer to eat, but that would make me late. To a job I've only just settled into.

And, to make things worse, social interaction is really not my thing.

But then again, throwing up could be even worse. And embarrassing, if I end up puking on my students.

Choice 1: Go to the cafe and potentially be late but definitely not ill

Choice 2: Eat stuff in fridge which is out of date and be on time but uncertainty on whether it will cause illness

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Izzy x

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