Chapter 12

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(We going ✈️✈️ SoFt HoUrS coz i wanted to write some fluff. Enjoy!!!)

YOUR CHOICE: Baby Tae wakes up first

My eyes open slowly at the sound of a deep voice giggling at something, at the slightly ticklish sensation of something just under my nose. After a few seconds of silence, I feel the overwhelming urge to sneeze, which is quickly followed by the action itself. At this, the giggling pauses for a moment, and then continues again.

I blink a few times, trying to wake myself up, before sitting up slowly, reluctantly. Taehyung's sat there, watching me with an adorable amusement in his eyes, a wide boxy smile spreading across his face when he realises I'm no longer asleep. His hair is slightly ruffled, but other than that he's completely flawless, and for a moment I can't help but marvel at the fact that I was able to wake up to something like this.

It's literally the best way to wake up, the best I've ever experienced anyway.

"Good morning, Tae," I say quietly, rubbing a hand over my face in an attempt to force myself to be fully conscious (despite the sad reality that sleep is gone) so that I can hold a proper human conversation. Rather than sounding like a caveman or something. "Did you sleep well?"

He nods eagerly, beaming widely at the sound of my voice. "I did! You're really good at cuddles, Kookie!" he tells me brightly, and my heart flutters at the sheer cuteness of the person in front of me.

"Thank you, love. I could say the same about you," I say before I can stop talking, and then I clamp a hand over my mouth, eyes widening at the sheer brazenness of what I just said. "I mean, erm-"
"I understand, Kook," he says gently, leaning his head on my shoulder for a moment before bouncing up and jumping off of the bed.

"What would you like for breakfast?" I ask curiously, spinning so that my legs hang over the edge of the bed before standing up, stretching out my tired muscles. I hear a faint gasp, and frown in confusion. "Are you alright, Tae?"

I glance over at him, only to see that his face has gone a faint shade of pink. "What's wrong?"
"Erm, nothing," he says shyly. I look down at myself, and suddenly I understand his random reaction to my action.

I forgot that I slept shirtless.

"Oh, right," I say stupidly, slowly, "sorry. I forgot about that. I shouldn't have-"
"It just surprised me is all," he says simply, that adorable smile back on his face.

"Now, Tae, what kinda breakfast would you like?" I ask again, and he pouts in thought for a moment before his face lights up.
"Can we have pancakes? Please, please! I really like pancakes!" 

I chuckle a little to myself, nodding. "I'll make you pancakes, sweetheart. Do you wanna have a shower or a bath this morning at all? It's fine if not."
"A shower, I think," he says thoughtfully, and the subtle change in his voice suggests that his head space has changed a little. I don't mention it, choosing to just act similarly and hope that he doesn't get offended or anything like that.
"I'll show you how it works, you can bring your clothes in with you if that's alright," I suggest quietly, calmly.
"That's perfect, thank you Jungkook," he says politely. "I appreciate the respect you're showing me, it really does mean a lot."

I shrug. "You're a person at the end of the day. You have rights, opinions that are just as valid as everyone else's, and you deserve to be treated with respect. You're my hyung, even if I haven't been treating you quite as I treat Hobi hyung. Why should I view you any differently to other people just because you're a Little?" 

His eyes widen, and I just shrug again, making my way out of the room. "Oh, and what would you like on your pancakes? I'm guessing you don't just want plain ones?" I ask, pausing in the doorway. He giggles a little at that.
"Have you got any strawberries? Or chocolate?" 

I smile a little at the request. "How about both?" I suggest, raising an eyebrow, being overdramatic on purpose just to make him laugh. He beams gratefully.
"If that's okay-"
"Of course it is, hyung, don't be silly! Now, I'll sort that out for us both. I'll yell when it's ready, alright?"

About ten minutes later, Taehyung wanders down the stairs, a curious expression on his face at the familiar smell of pancakes cooking. I glance over just as he flicks his still-damp silver hair out of his way, and my heart flutters again at how gorgeous he is. But I ignore the sensation, choosing instead to indicate a plate of freshly made food beside the hob. 

"Those are yours. I've melted some chocolate in the microwave, and I still need to prep the strawberries, but that shouldn't take me too long, so don't worry about-"
"I'll sort those out," he says smoothly, "are they in the fridge?" 

"You don't have to-" I immediately protest, but he shakes his head, shutting my disagreement down before I can properly start it. 
"It's the least I can do, Kook, don't worry," he reassures me, his gentle voice allowing me to relax a little and accept his assistance. 

As it turns out, the pancakes aren't actually as bad as I was expecting, and much to my relief, he likes them. It doesn't take us long to finish eating, and then, much to my surprise, he helps out with the clearing away. I vanish for a few minutes to get dressed and showered myself, and then when I return his youthful headspace has returned. 

And for about an hour, we sit there, playing a video game (that suits his headspace, I'm not a total dick) until Hoseok and Yoongi appear at my house to take Taehyung home. When the doorbell rings, I'm almost disappointed that he has to leave. And for just a moment, I think he might be too. 

I open the door, and Hoseok is standing there looking expectantly at me, probably wondering where Taehyung is. His fiance stands beside him,  a nervous expression on his face. "Hey, Kook, I've come for Tae? How's it been?" 

Choice time, y'all! 

CHOICE ONE: be really flattering and say he's really really awesome and adorable and stuff 

CHOICE TWO: explain what you did and hope Hobi finds it cute because he is basically Cupid at this point

CHOICE THREE: be a dick

CHOICE FOUR: the first two put together plz and thank you 

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Izzy x

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