Chapter 13

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YOU CHOSE: flatter Tae but also tell Hobi what happened coz uwu

"So, I figured that Tae would like cookies-"
"Isn't that cannibalism for you?" Yoongi interrupts me, an amused smile suddenly on his face. His fiancé glances over at him, surprised at his sudden confidence, and the burgundy haired male just shrugs. "I switched out of headspace."

"Fair enough," I say quietly, chuckling a little, "anyway, so, cookies.....I decided to get Tae to help me make a batch. There should still be some left if you want one?" Hoseok nods eagerly at the sound of food, and Taehyung turns to run back into the apartment to find them. "Then we had a bit of a movie marathon - all age appropriate of course, I'm not the worst human on the planet I hope."

"You know what, Kook? I don't think you are," Hoseok says simply, smiling at me, the bright expression only brightening further when Taehyung returns with a plastic tub filled with chocolate chip cookies. "These look amazing, Tae!"

The silver haired cutie giggles shyly, nodding. "It's a really nice recipe," he says, voice slightly inaudible as he's munching on one of the snacks as he's speaking.
"Don't speak with your mouth full, honey," I say automatically, throwing a hand over my mouth a second later. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that-"

"Don't be silly," Yoongi puts in, "we don't mind. As long as Tae is okay with you using pet names and stuff, we don't care. As long as he's happy, we are."

I glance over at the Little I've been looking after overnight, only to see that he's watching the exchange with a joyful sparkle in his beautifully expressive eyes. Hoseok notices the look, and smiles at the expression on Taehyung's face. "I think it's safe to say that he's happy," he says contentedly, nodding to himself.

"So, what happened after the movie marathon, Tae?" Yoongi asks, pulling the focus of the conversation back to the original topic.

"So I fell asleep during that, so Kookie woke me up and got me to brush my teeth and get ready for bed properly. He didn't want me to hurt my back," he recounts honestly, causing both of his friends to nod at me in approval. "Then he went to get ready for bed whilst I got Mookie. He comes back with the fluffiest blanket you've ever seen, says he thought I might wanna sleep under it because fluffy-"

"Okay now I'm jealous," Yoongi says, pouting slightly, clearly slipping a little into his more youthful headspace in the process. "I want a fluffy blanket to sleep under."
"We'll get one, baby. Don't worry," Hoseok says soothingly, kissing his fiancé on the forehead. "That's something we can sort out." Yoongi's whole face lights up with a cheerful gummy smile.
"Yay! Thank you, Seokkie!"

Taehyung just watches them fondly for a moment before continuing his story of what happened. "Then Mookie told me he wanted Kookie there because he gets nervous at new places, even though Kookie had already offered to take the couch so we weren't uncomfortable or something. I wouldn't have minded! But it was nice of him to think of all of that."

"And unfortunately for me, I don't understand Mookie well enough to speak to him directly, so Tae had to explain what Mookie wanted," I put in slightly cautiously. The silver haired angel beside me nods eagerly at the addition.

"And so I did, and Kookie was so uncertain, it was kinda cute! Then he told me a bedtime story about seven cute little animal character things and then we went to sleep!"
"And we woke up today and had pancakes and video games."

Hoseok thinks for a moment, as I stand there biting my lip nervously. Should I have left Tae on his own? Does this count as taking advantage of his childish mindset? I mean, I was more than happy to sleep in another room if it made him more comfortable, as Taehyung himself just said. But he wanted me there.

Didn't he?

I don't know what either Hoseok or Yoongi are going to say, and it's kind of scary, in an odd way. I know they're not exactly going to attack me for listening to him, but I still wouldn't want them to decide that I'm a bad person based off of this. I don't want either of them to hate me, and not even because of any stupid job. More because they seem like good people. 

"Don't look so scared, you look like you're about to-" Yoongi glances over at a still innocently smiling Taehung - "poop yourself. We aren't gonna hate you for prioritising his happiness over your own. That's not exactly the most awful thing you could ever do, now is it?" 

"Or the most awful thing anyone has ever done," Taehyung mumbles quietly, a sort of sad nostalgic look in his eyes. "At least you don't call me a creep or a freak or an idiot. Or make fun of my Little space to others. You look after me. You try and protect me from possible dangers. Isn't that better than exposing me to them, especially in a vulnerable headspace." 

He lowers his head at the feeling of my horrified gaze on him. "You haven't taken advantage of that headspace to force me into something someone of that real age would never be able to understand or truly agree to. And I hope you never do." 

"Tae, I would never even consider-"
"I know," he interrupts, his voice clearer and more mature for a moment. "That's not what I meant. I just mean - I just mean you're not the worst person a Little like Yoongi and I could ever meet. And people who just go with it - they're rare. You just kind of went with whatever my head wanted, and that is such a rare thing."

Hoseok nods in agreement, wrapping a protective arm around his own boyfriend. "You're not a bad person, Kook. I'm just protective of Tae, because he doesn't have his own carer or someone who can focus solely on him yet. One day he will. And he will chose them himself." 

Taehyung glances over at me, and for a moment I see something in his eyes, and then he shakes his head and chooses instead to wrap his arms around me in a fond hug. "Thank you for looking after me for the day, Kookie. I had a lot of fun." 

"I had a lot of fun too, Tae," I reply simply, returning the embrace eagerly, "you're a wonderful person. Seriously. I don't care what anyone else says, you're funny and adorable, and if I may say so, gorgeous. Don't let anyone persuade you otherwise. Like Kooky with Tata, I do want us to be friends. If you're okay with that."

He nods a few times quickly, lifting his head to beam widely at me. "Of course, Kookie! Of course we can be friends. Best friends." 

I manage a fond smile as he steps away, although I do miss the warmth of his hugs the second it leaves. I know that I'll see him again some time soon, I'm just not sure when yet. 

CHOICE ONE: Talk to Hobi about what has happened without Tae and check that it's really okay 

CHOICE TWO: ask about yoonseok date (which could end up as a flashback chapter.... 

CHOICE THREE: move on w story and go back to the dance teacher plot thing.

CHOICE FOUR: gimme some minjoon in next chapter, say nothing more and move onto some minjoon. 

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Izzy x

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