Chapter 7

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YOU CHOSE: thank him and call him cute

"A bunny, huh?" I ask in a gentle voice, my smile growing at the pink blush which spreads over his cheeks like a teenage girl's when she sees her crush in the hallway. "Thank you. I can't quite think of what you remind me of. Is that because you're just a unique little cutie?" 

Hoseok glances at me, clearly shocked, and I smile reassuringly at all three of them. "You're Taehyung, right?" 

The silver haired Little in front of me nods shyly. "Well, I think it's a beautiful name," I tell him quietly, watching as his formerly pink blush goes a brighter shade of red. "Hobi hyung has asked me to keep you company for a few hours, whilst he spends time with Yoongi." 

I glance over at the burgundy haired male, thinking for a moment of what to say. "And I am delighted to meet you as well, Yoongi. It's a relief to finally meet the person that my hyung is so in love with." 

Yoongi smiles shyly, lifting his hands to hide his face, revealing admittedly adorable sweater paws. "T-Thank you," he replies timidly, causing his lover to smile fondly at him. "Hobi is the b-best thing in my life. H-He's so nice!"

I nod in agreement. "He is, he gave me a job when we met," I tell him, and Taehyung perks up as something comes to his mind, the wide smile doing funny things to my heart. 

"You're the new dance teacher?" he asks excitedly. I nod.
"Yes, I am," I say proudly. 
"Hobi hyung was talking about how good you were with the students," he says shamelessly, moving closer and wrapping his arms a little nervously around my torso. "You were so nice to her! I like you now." 

I return the hug after a moment, a little worried that Hoseok thinks I'm taking advantage of Taehyung. But when we pull apart again, I spot the beam of pride on his face, and I relax slightly. He's not annoyed. That is a huge relief. 

"I'm glad of that," I tell him sincerely, and he beams at me. 
"Does anyone ever tell you that you look like a bunny?" he asks, his voice inflecting in pitch at the end, and I chuckle, shaking my head and smiling when he pouts in confusion. "But you look like a bunny! How has nobody else noticed this!" Taehyung throws his arms down, much more passionate about the subject than I would have expected. 

"My mum was the last one to tell me that, Taehyungie," I explain, shrugging. "I used to get upset about it, because I didn't like rabbits. But now I have a more positive attitude towards it all. And besides, I don't normally smile wide enough for anyone to even notice it, to be honest."

He frowns, taking my hand in his and stepping closer again, his eyes sparkling like two stunning brown crystals. "You should smile more often," he says sincerely, and my heart clenches in my chest. "Your smile is pretty." 

For a moment, I'm completely lost for words, and then I glance over at Hoseok again, desperately asking for help with my eyes. But this time around he just smirks slightly at me, clearly enjoying the show. I roll my eyes, turning my attention back to the adorable silver in front of me. 

"Thank you, Taehyungie, I will make sure to smile as often as I can if that makes you happy," I manage after another few seconds of silence. He nods seriously, lifting a hand and separating his little finger from the others. I recognise the action instantly, smiling and hooking my own little finger around his, watching in awe as the calm expression gives way to pure, unfiltered happiness. 

"I pinkie promise," I say firmly, and the delighted beam on his face is worth the inward cringe at my stupidly cheesy actions. 

"Do you two think you'll be okay?" Hoseok asks seriously, making direct eye contact with Taehyung. "I'm only a phone call away, you know that. If you're not happy, you need to make sure I'm aware. Yoongz won't mind. I pinkie promise."

Taehyung glances at Hoseok for a moment, his eyes flashing with a nervous excitement. "Taehyungie, are you gonna feel safe with Jungkookie?" our hyung says again carefully, looking the silver haired Little directly in the eyes. "I need to have an answer, sweetheart." 

Taehyung looks at me again, his hand still in mine. He doesn't speak for a few seconds, just thinking of how to respond, and my heart practically stops in my chest. I don't know why, but I genuinely want him to feel safe around me. I have no idea what he's done to make me so attached. But I am not complaining. 

"I think I can trust him," Taehyung says after collecting his thoughts, and my heart does another little funny flip in my chest. "You can have fun. I will be okay." 

Hoseok nods, seemingly relieved, and brings the other into a warm hug, kissing his forehead as they pull apart again. His short boyfriend glances at me, thinking for a moment before approaching me shyly, his hands disappearing into his sleeves momentarily. 

"H-Hey, Jungkookie," he starts timidly. "Y-You look after Taetae well, okay?" 

His face is adorably determined, and there's a caring look in his eyes that I simply cannot ignore or hide from. He must be incredibly close to his brother, which is really sweet anyway, and quite protective as well. That is nice to see. 

"I will do everything in my power to make sure he feels safe and happy," I tell him simply. "I will look after him as well as I possibly can." 

Yoongi's nervous expression breaks into a wide gummy smile, and he bounces a few times on the same spot before launching forward and giving me a tight, unexpected hug. The gesture also seems to surprise his boyfriend and brother, who stare at him in shock for a good few seconds before relaxing into happy smiles when he pulls away. 

"Send me a text if you need me, Kook. I should be back by ten, unless Yoongi slips into Big space. Then we'll be gone for the night. Either way, it's probably best if Tae stays the night, as his bedtime is about half nine." 

I nod in understanding. "I will, hyung. You go and have fun. Taetae will be safe. I pinkie promised, after all. A guy has to keep to that, you know?" Hoseok chuckles, opening the door to his apartment and taking Yoongi's hand in his as they prepare to go out. Taehyung and I follow behind them, so that we can make our way to my apartment
"Thank you, Jungkook, really. I do appreciate it." 

"Not a problem."

Now what should our OTP do on this very first hang out! I know it's not really a decision Kookie consciously gets to make, but at this point hopefully that is forgivable. 

CHOICE ONE: movie marathon (Disney)

CHOICE TWO: movie marathon (but Pixar) 

CHOICE THREE: karaoke night thingy 

CHOICE FOUR: video games

CHOICE FIVE: do domestic baking 

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Izzy x

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