Chapter 25

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YOUR CHOICE: proud sope and taekook talk tea

The second Kyungjae is gone, taken away by the police, Hoseok turns to me. "When did he come in here?" he questions, his voice soft. "What happened?"
"Tae explained what had happened, the argument he had with Yoongi. Then he showed me the damage in the I helped him fix it a bit." 

Yoongi holds up a hand. "Whoa, wait, what?" Taehyung lowers his head, looking ashamed. "I knew Tae broke the wall, but you fixed it?" I shrug.
"Not totally. I just...filled in the new hole so it's easier to paint over and act like nothing happened. Sure, it's been damaged, but things will be alright. It's not like you're gonna hate Tae for something like this when you know he didn't want to hurt anyone in reality, right?" 

Hoseok nods distractedly. "So..."
"We were nearly finished, when I hear the door go, and he calls for Tae. And based on Tae's reaction, I realise that this is a big pile of nope. I chose to hide in the bathroom because there's a lock, but I took my toolbox with me. We aren't giving anyone who's scary to Tae the option of a weapon, especially if that person finds out that I'm here. That's not ideal."

Hoseok and Yoongi both nod in understanding. "And then Tae texted me, and we got here as fast as we could," Hoseok summarises. 
"Pretty much, yeah."
"And then Yoonie destroyed Kyungshit," Taehyung contributes. 

There's a moment of silence. 

"Wait up a second....Yoonie?" Yoongi questions, staring at his younger brother. "What the fuck is Yoonie?"
"It's a nickname," Taehyung defends himself, playing with his fingers. "It's cute." His older brother raises an eyebrow, then shrugs.
"I guess you're right. Carry on." 

"Nah, we'll get back to the point in a bit. I just want to point out Kyungshit," Hoseok comments simply. 
"He's a piece of shit. It fits him," I explain simply, almost aggressively. "Tae doesn't deserve to be treated like that. He's a person, and he's not a freak. I don't know how you guys deal with his bullshit all the goddamn time."

"You're right, Kook, and we should've turned to the police before now. It's dumb...but we always wanted to give him another chance to improve. Every single time..he seemed like he wanted to become a nicer person. But every single time, he let us down," Yoongi clarifies, looking a little awkward. 

"Yoongi hyung..I mean this in the nicest way don't strike me as the most forgiving person on the planet." He runs a hand through burgundy hair, nods once. 
"You'd be right. But Hobi and I..we wanted Tae to have someone who cared. And he really appeared to care. But he was an asshole."
"We fucked up there," Hoseok admits, clearly ashamed of himself. 

"You did what you thought was right at the time. I've messed up before, for the right reasons. We're human," I respond, trying to reassure them, and then Yoongi perks up, all of a sudden. 

"Oh, and don't think we've forgotten about your actions today, Kook." I freeze completely, thinking I'm about to get a lecture in incorrect behaviour. "You're a fucking badass." I relax a little at that, glance over at a beaming Taehyung. He's so cute. 


"Hey yeah," Hoseok realises, all of a sudden. "Honestly, I'm proud of you. You managed to keep Tae safe without killing anyone, you tried to fix an issue that could've caused conflict between myself and Tae, and then..that punch! I'm impressed, to be honest." I just shrug, lower my head, smile a little. 
"I guess things just got really clear very quickly. I know Tae can look after himself, a lot of the time, but I figured he wouldn't mind if he had my support. He's strong on his own, but sometimes it's nice to know that someone's got your back, you know?" 

Taehyung just crosses the room, wraps his arms around me, and pulls me into a sudden hug, out of nowhere. "Thank you," he mumbles into my chest, and I return the embrace, sending a confused look to Hoseok. 
"Any time, Tae. You know by now that I'd always be there for you, don't you? Whether it's necessary or not?" 

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