Chapter 18

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YOU CHOSE: Yoonseok advice time! (I know it's been forever....but here we go again, y'all. Let's hope that I might possibly be forgiven if we can get some baby yoongi and some uwu in there????)  

I find myself heading over to see the only two people I know that I can question on the situation, from experience. 

"Hey, Kook, wasn't expecting to see you today. What's up?" Hoseok looks at me for a moment, and then he tilts his head. "Is anything wrong?"
"I just...I just needed some advice. And I hoped you wouldn't mind if I asked you and Yoongi hyung, if he's here at all, because I figured you'd be able to help." 

Hoseok's face crumples into a concerned frown, and he nods quickly, ushering me into his apartment quickly. "Yoon's in Little Space, will that-"
"Honestly at this point, hyung, I don't mind. I just need to talk to someone and I'm not stupid enough to think his intelligence goes down just because he's feeling younger. Besides, it's not anything traumatic I don't think." 

For a moment, I think of how this guy's technically my boss and I'm turning to him for help, which would seem pretty weird in any other situation, but at the same time I know that he understands. He's not a bad person, far from it. And something tells me that he'll be able to help me figure this all out. 

I'm too scared of messing up. I don't want to let anyone down, least of all Taehyung himself, and I know that the wrong move could ruin him. I care too much about everyone in this friendship group to do that to him, because of the repercussions it'll have on us all. He means so much to everyone, and I can't destroy anything just because of ignorance.

I just can't risk it. 

"Precious, we have a guest!" Hoseok calls into the flat, and I lower my gaze guiltily, wondering if his fiance is sleeping.
"I'm sorry to intrude-"
"Oh don't be so silly, Kook. If you need help, you need help. There's nothing wrong with reaching out for assistance. And we're more than happy to provide any answers to any questions you have. Within reason, of course." 

"Of course," I say immediately. 
"Who is it, Seokkie?"
"Remember Kookie? He looked after TaeTae when we went out that one time? He came here because he needed advice."
"He doesn't have to if he doesn't want to," I put in quietly to my boss. He just smiles a little, a fond look in his eyes. 

"Min Yoongi may seem like quite an internal person, but he's not cold. He cares a lot about people. And if he can do anything to improve something for someone else, he'll do it. No matter the headspace."
"Oh, I didn't mean-"
"I know what you meant. Don't worry so much, Kook. You're okay." 

A few seconds later, Yoongi himself walks shyly out into the kitchen diner, where Hoseok and I are standing. He offers me a timid wave, and I do the same, feeling almost awkward. This is only the third time I've met this guy, and I really don't want to get on his bad side either. He means so much to Taehyung, and to Hoseok. 

This is scary, for some reason. And yet he doesn't look intimidating, in that oversized hoodie, which is a fluffy black material. The hood is pulled up, revealing that it's got cat ears connected to it, and he's wearing black jeans on his lower half. There's something very small about that image. Something completely tiny about it that I don't understand. 

"So what's wrong, Jungkook?" Hoseok asks me, gesturing towards the stools at his breakfast bar, which has a colouring book in the corner and a small plushie poodle on it. Yoongi settles himself in that corner, picking up the toy without any hesitation, rubbing his nose against its soft head and smiling a little at the simple sensation. 

"Well, I've seen Taehyung a few times now....not necessarily on purpose, I've just seen him randomly around, if that makes sense. I've met a lot of the people who are significant in his life. You two, his Jin hyung, Jimin, Namjoon. I saw him in the cafe near uni, the one where Lisa works - I've told you about Lisa, right?" 

Hoseok nods. 

"Well, I saw him today, and something Jin said stuck with me. He told me to be careful, because Tae can get quite attached to the people who are kind to him, and I have to figure out myself before that happens. I need to know whether I just want to be his friend or if there really is something more to it. Because I am beginning to wonder if that's the case." 

I look down, at the breakfast bar, so that I don't have to look at the two of them. "I'm really scared of getting this wrong. I mean, I can't say that I don't think he's beautiful, but that's not the most important thing. He's adorable too, and I'm scared that if I get to know him properly I'll mess something up and make him really upset. He doesn't deserve that, you know?"

"Koo, you're not a meanie," Yoongi mumbles, and I look over at him. "You don't know what you're doing. That's not bad. He doesn't know either."
"Yoonie's right," Hoseok adds in, offering me a reassuring smile. "Jin hyung meant well to talk to you about this, but at the same time he didn't want you to freak out over it. You're a human being, not a robot. You can't predict everything." 

I sigh, nodding in agreement. "I think I need to know him better, but I don't know if that'll make him believe that it automatically means more. I don't even know if he'd think of me like that anyway. I know I want to matter to him, but that's probably too much to ask for. I'm a broke dance major-" 

I catch Hoseok's eye, and correct myself quickly. "I'm an employed dance major who can't buy him anything, I can't cook to save my life a lot of the time and I mess up as often as I breathe. What chance have I got with him?" 

Yoongi puts down the toy dog for a moment, in his lap, looking up at me with a determination I've never seen in his eyes before. "I like you more than the other guys he's liked," he states powerfully. "I'm his bestie and his big bro. Taehyungie needs someone at some point. Why not you, if you find yourself wanting to take that role? And another friend won't hurt." 

Having said his part, the burgundy haired male shrugs, sticking his thumb in his mouth and going back to nuzzling the toy childishly, a small smile on his face. I freeze completely, shocked. 

Hoseok chuckles a little, fondly. "Good point, Yoon." His partner just smiles shyly, making the dog nod in confirmation. "He's a smart baby, isn't he?" he adds on knowingly, giving me a meaningful look. 
"You're right." I sigh. "I'm sorry I bugged you guys about this. I know it's dumb. I was just-"

"We've been there. It's alright, seriously. You can always come to us if you need anything. We're friends now. And you're really trying. It's often the effort that counts."
"Thank you." 
"Anytime, Kook." 


CHOICE ONE: not enough yoonseok fluff, let's have some more. baby yoonie is the real baby of the hour

CHOICE TWO: actually i wanna see jinnie more.....what's he up to in this au? 

CHOICE THREE: those students must be feelin quite neglected right now, what's up with my lesbian ship, huh? 

CHOICE FOUR: taekook meet up again, big tae

CHOICE FIVE: Kook actually in his actual class, you know the thing he's in Daegu for in the first place? Lisa seems quite chill and I wanna see her character more??? 

OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL CHOICE: author wtf why is this like two months late did you forget about this book or something, bitch I have MOVED ON you had the whole summer ????? explain??? 


yo waddup thanks for the update dude

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Izzy x

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