Chapter 15

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YOU CHOSE: Namkook friendship building time............smol chim uwu

I know it's been a long time..all I can say is that life has been pretty hectic. But this story is not being ignored. I promise you that. Onto the update.

"Chim, baby, Jungkook's come to see us today," Namjoon calls out into the apartment, a fond smile appearing on his face when the Little in question lets out an excited squeak and appears from a random door out of nowhere, immediately wrapping his arms around me. I hug him back, after a split second of surprise, making eye contact with my best friend's boyfriend in the process.

"Hey, Chim, how have you been?" I ask brightly, not knowing what age his little space is and not really knowing how to ask.
"I've been awesome," he returns just as cheerfully, still hugging me.
"Baby, don't suffocate him," Namjoon says quietly, and Jimin reluctantly peels away.
"Sorry, I got excited," the small male says a little awkwardly, "it's been a while since I've seen you."

I just chuckle, nodding in understanding and following the pair into the kitchen diner, taking a seat on a stool at the breakfast bar when Namjoon gestures that I should do so. "That's alright, hyung, I don't mind," I say simply, leaning my elbow on the polished wooden surface. "It has been a while. I've been choreographing for these kids and doing my degree, and I guess it took up more time than I expected."

"Kids?" Namjoon asks curiously, tilting his head at me, and I nod in confirmation.
"Yeah. Hoseok hyung asked me to help out and give a few classes when I first moved into my uni apartment, and I guess I've not done too badly at it because I'm still there. We have a showcase to prepare for, a few months away I think, and my class are doing something on identity and self acceptance. It's a lot of fun, in all honesty."

"That's fair," Namjoon comments, nodding in understanding and lifting Jimin onto his lap gently, wrapping his arms around his boyfriends waist. "Gives you experience, something positive to contribute to others, and I'm guessing it helps with the whole affording food and rent thing?"

"Yeah, exactly. I love it," I admit, chuckling a little and running a hand through my hair. "The age range is fourteen to seventeen, so it's nice because I can talk to them more like adults and support them better which is awesome." I shift a little, thinking for a second of what else to say. "What do you do? Are you a student, or-"

"I graduated last year," Namjoon says, shaking his head, "did a degree in philosophy and language studies, and now I'm working on a master's in music production. I work part time at a comic store down the road from here, the sort of place that sells comics and graphic novels and those cool figure things. It's nice because it lets me explore my nerdy side in a safe setting, and of course helps with the financial side of things."

"You don't have a Daegu dialect, though-"
"Oh, I'm originally from Ilsan, but I figured I'd be happier here. I knew Yoongi and Tae through Hoseok, who was like a childhood friend for me and moved to Daegu in our early teens - parents' job or something, you know how it is," he explains simply, and I nod in understanding.

"And then my family moved here and I was lucky enough to meet Hobi and Yoongles really quickly," Jimin proclaims, shifting in his boyfriend's lap to get comfortable before continuing. "They introduced me to Joonie, and from there it was true love!"

So I have Hoseok to thank for Jimin's happiness as well? He was involved in Taehyung's life, Yoongi's, mine, and Namjoon's. And now Jimin too?

I'm beginning to wonder if there's anyone in the world that he hasn't ever helped, and I doubt it, in all honesty. He seems like the kind of person who just reaches out a hand without needing to be asked. That's rare. And it's vital.

"And so you guys are now a happy couple for how many years? Wasn't it like, two and a bit or something along those lines?"
"Two years and three quarters," Namjoon says proudly, and my eyes widen at how specific that is. Impressive, I've gotta say.

"Chim? Didn't you say that there was a short time where something was discovered about you and it made things complicated until you -" I stop in the middle of my sentence, the answer to my question right in front of me. "Was it your little space, by any chance?"

Namjoon chuckles a little, nodding. "Yup. It wasn't that I was suddenly disgusted by him. Nothing like that. It just came as a shock, I guess, and I wished he'd told me sooner. Now I realise how difficult that would've been, opening up a part of his identity to someone he still didn't fully know. I shouldn't have pushed it as far as I did, even if it was partially because I was curious."

"No, I understand. I didn't get it until a few days ago, when I looked after Tae on Hobi's request. Something about an anniversary with Yoongi? Which is completely fair, for the record. Tae didn't seem to mind me being there either, which is always nice."

"What do you think of Taehyung?" Namjoon asks suddenly, and I tilt my head in confusion.
"What do I think of him?" I repeat, baffled.
"Yeah. Just in general?" I think for a second.

"He's cute, polite, understanding and very friendly once he's not scared of you. I don't know enough to form a proper opinion yet, but I hope to get to know him better. Not in a weird way, of course, just because he's interesting, that's all," I explain quickly, shrugging. The couple opposite me smile a little, and that's how I know I've said the right thing.

"Thank you for not being a meanie, Koo," Jimin says out of nowhere, ducking his head shyly just after saying it. "I know Tae appreciated it. He told me so himself. Being nice doesn't take much but it really did make him happy," he adds on. "That makes me happy."

"Me too, Chim, me too," I say quietly in agreement. "I don't see why people have to be cruel about it. Even if it's something new or unexpected, that doesn't mean you should cast someone out for it. People are too harsh sometimes." I rub a hand over my eyes, feeling tired all of a sudden. "Sorry, that's probably not the best thing to talk about, is it?"

"Maybe it's not cheerful, but it's certainly important," Namjoon points out, and I nod in agreement, realising that he's right. "Don't worry, I'd tell you if you were crossing the line and you certainly aren't. Besides, it proves to me what Chim told me ages ago. You're not a bad person, and indeed that's why I figure it'd be okay for you to still hang out with us even with him in a more childish mindset. You'd see that he's still the same Chim. Just seeing the world a little differently from normal. That's all."

CHOICE ONE: let's have some yoonseok in this household.

CHOICE TWO: let's have some more conversation with minjoon in this household

CHOICE THREE: dance class time in this household

CHOICE FOUR: let's have some development of our favourite OTP taekook in this household (I started the household thing, and now I'm using it continuously what's wrong w me)

CHOICE FIVE: yo where's my boi Jinnie at? Let's have some world wide handsome IN THIS MOTHERFUCKING HOUSEHOLD (sorry that was a little over the top)

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Izzy x

PS: you don't know it, but there's a reference to something I'm working on that you don't know about yet in this chapter. It's tiny. But it's there. (Not Jimin tho lol)

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