Chapter 11

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I nod nervously, sliding into the bed beside him, offering an arm cautiously. "Do you want-"

He grabs the arm without another word, pulling it around his waist and then shifting until his back is against my chest, as we both lie on our sides. A tiny but adorable smile appears on his face, and I find myself almost proud of the fact that I must have made the right choice. My free arm hangs over the other side of his waist, and he snuggles into the embrace, resting his head on my chest.

"Can you tell me a story, Jungkookie?" he asks shyly, his head tilting back so that he can make eye contact.
"Erm, yeah, sure. What about?"
"I don't mind, but don't make it scary!" he says simply, his voice quiet and almost innocent. I nod to myself again, thinking for a few seconds before beginning to speak.

"Once upon a time, there was a little heart shaped alien. He was red, but he had big yellow lips, and he liked to wear starry PJs. He was very cute, but he was also a little bit lonely. His name was - his name was Tata."

Taehyung blinks a few times, smiling to himself before nodding, indicating that I should continue the story. "Then Tata met a dancing horse, called......Mang, which means 'hope'," I say, chuckling at the idea of our energetic hyung as a horse. The boy in my arms glances at me in confusion, but I simply shake my head to show that it's just something in my head.

"He was pale blue, pink and purple, and he loved hip hop. He was a very caring little horse, and all he wanted was for people to be happy and enjoy life. They met one day in a cute little shop, when the horse was out with his husband, an angry little cookie with very strong eyebrows. His name was...what was his name? Shooky. They were very much in love, and it was the cutest thing that Tata had ever seen. So he decided to be their friend."

I take a deep breath, thinking of my own friends. "In another city, there was a young pink bunny, called Kooky. He had a floppy ear, and he was always messing around. He was best friends with a little cute dog called......Chimmy, who liked to dress in a yellow onezie and had floppy black ears. They were like brothers. And of course he also had his own brother, a llama-sheep thing called RJ."

"One day," I say, beginning to relax slightly at the contentment on Taehyung's face, "that little pink bunny decided to move to a new place to learn how to be himself. To learn how to be more of a person. And he saw his old best friend Chimmy, and Chimmy's little blue koala boyfriend - Koya. They were also very cute together."

"Kooky was introduced to Mang by Chimmy, and that little blue horse gave Kooky a chance to help him bring happiness to others. And for a short while, that was enough. But there was more to come. More that could make him happy, even if he didn't know it yet."

"What happens next?" Taehyung asks softly, blinking his beautifully expressive eyes. I smile slightly.
"Mang needed to hang out with Shooky by himself for a while, so he decided that Kooky would hang out with Tata for a while. But Kooky had never met anyone who was heart shaped before. So he was nervous, and he didn't want to make his new friend upset."

"Kooky could never make Tata sad, though, right?" Taehyung mumbles. My heart lifts at his words, and I nod in agreement.
"Right. Kooky felt very lucky to be trusted with such an important person, so he made sure that anything Tata needed was available for him. And then they met."

"What happened? Was he disappointed?"
"Only in himself, because this cute little alien surpassed all of his expectations," I say honestly. "He was beautiful, he was sweet, and he was unique. That, to Kooky, was perfection. And so he decided right then and there that he wanted to be able to be there for Tata forever. They were going to be best friends forever."

Taehyung beams tiredly, a look of sleepiness glazing over in his eyes. "And did Tata let him?" I think for a moment.
"I don't know, honey. Kooky didn't tell me the rest of the story. I guess we'll have to find out. Do you think Tata would have let him?" I ask hopefully. He giggles, nodding, and something warm spreads through my heart. I can't speak for a few seconds, too overwhelmed with an emotion I can't quite place yet.

"Well, that would have made Kooky the happiest little bunny in the world. Even if Tata didn't realise it," I say simply. "There was nothing more in this world he could've wanted at that point."

"That was a beautiful story, Kookie," Taehyung tells me, shuffling around in my hold once more before relaxing. "I hope that it ends happily." I smile to myself, nodding and brushing his hair away from his face gently.

I hesitate for a moment, my mind warring with the options. I know that this could be a step too far, especially since we've only known each other for a few hours. But I feel like I have a connection to him now. I hope that Hoseok lets me talk to him again, if he even has any control over things like that.

I hope Taehyung wants to see me again after this little sleepover thing is over. I really do.

I close my eyes, making a decision in my mind before leaning forward and pressing a gentle kiss against his shoulder, moving back immediately after so that he's well aware that I'm not trying to advance on him. He jolts in surprise at the action, but then I think I see a smile spreading on his face as his eyes shut. So I know it was the right thing to do.

And then, with his warm (and cuddly, which doesn't make him fat, that's not what I mean it's more like cute and stuff okay let me be adorable for a second) body in my arms, I find myself drifting into my dreams without even thinking about it, unable to stop the happiness in my heart from expanding onto my face in the shape of a smile.

What can I say? He's cute.

Hi, my name is 'I can't think of original cute characters so I'm just gonna blatantly steal from BT21 because hopefully I'll be forgiven eventually'.

Oof. If that wasn't fluffy enough for a surprise update, then I do apologise. I needed to write something positive, and it's been four million years since this was updated. And one of my friends needs the fluff because life is doing a stressful and hopefully this will help oops.

Here are your choices for today. It's based on what is gonna happen in the next chapter. I was considering the 'kiss him or not' thing as a choice but then I knew what you'd say, so figured this was more likely to be an actual choice. It's all gonna be fluff, this story isn't exactly the most angsty thing ever oops.

CHOICE ONE: Kook wakes up first and then makes breakfast because UWU

CHOICE TWO: Tae wakes up first (Little Space) and then proceeds to wake Kook up in adorable fashion

CHOICE THREE: alarm wakes them both up and they both nope and go back to sleep and then they're like 'oh shit class exists and shit oops' and yeet around getting ready for the day

CHOICE FOUR: Tae wakes up first in Big Space. Is a bit of a confuse. but then is like aw he was a nice.

CHOICE FIVE: phone call wakes them up. Hobi checking on them.

CHOICE SIX: nightmares in the middle of the night, and hugs and stuff.

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Izzy x

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