Chapter 14

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YOU CHOSE: Minjoon (well, including my own vote and Taekook buddy's, it counts as minjoon but plot will move on as well so please don't be angry with me I just really wanted to write some minjoon I'm literally that shallow)

"So, guys, last time we decided on the theme of our dance and also some choreography ideas to base the whole thing off, right? Today I'd like to try and get everyone into pairs, find out who everyone is comfortable with, and I'd also like to start working on partner work and technique. That way we can figure out exactly where to go from there, and I should be able to get some proper choreography ideas. We're still just figuring it out at the moment, so don't worry. Nothing is set in stone."

My students all nod in understanding, looking at each other, trying to figure out who to pair themselves with. "But before I let you choose who to dance with, we're going to play a few games to get to know each other better. You need to feel comfortable and create a friendship with your partner, so that there's a professional chemistry between you. Does that make sense?"

Hyeri raises a hand. "What if our parents disagree with who we dance with?" she asks nervously, lowering the hand self consciously and seeming to hunch in on herself when the other students glance over at her, confused by such a question. I shrug.
"With due respect to them, Hyeri, they aren't part of this dance. They can't control how the choreography turns out, and they shouldn't be able to control who you choose to dance with. If they question you, we can mix partners around at the start so you're technically not lying, if you want?"

She smiles a little. "I'd like that. Thank you." I just nod in understanding, offering her a reassuring smile.
"We're not here to follow the rules of society or be controlled by others, remember?" I tell the whole class. "This whole showcase is about fighting those expectations and following your heart. Whilst obeying a certain set of morals."

I run a hand through my hair, stepping back and finding a good song to use to get everyone warmed up and ready to dance properly, leading them in a few stretches before getting them to play a few team building games, watching their interactions to figure out who to pair with who. It's going to be a difficult task, making sure everyone's happy, but I'm not here to play Cupid, no matter how much I want to. I'm here to be a dance teacher.

There are still some things I can do, though. And I will do those if I feel like I need to.

I manage to get the girl and boy who appeared to be interested in each other last week to pair up, at least for some of the dance, and Hyeri seems delighted when I decide to ask her to work with her best friend, a girl called Yura. Sure, she'll have to dance with a boy at some point, but that should be alright.

The ideas are starting to really take shape within my mind, as I begin to work on improving their technique and confidence, as well as building their partnerships so that they're better able to work together on complicated moves when we figure out what we need to do, later on. It's going to be interesting, seeing how they can learn to adapt to another's style, and discover new things about themselves in the process.

This is what teaching these kids is all about, after all.

"You've done really well, guys, I'm proud of you. Keep everything we've talked about and worked on today in the back of your mind, and try and get some of those stretching exercises into your daily lives if you have the time, it'll help with your flexibility and core strength. Which, as you'll see, partner work needs."

They all nod, looking tired but happy, and that's great to see. "Thank you for putting in effort today, just keep that up and I know this showcase will be your chance to really show off and steal the spotlight." There's a laugh at that. "I'll see you next week."

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