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Hello beautiful's, have I left you waiting long enough? I'm back and ready to start this show back on the road. I've been working on a lot of newer projects, and hope you guys will enjoy them as much as I enjoyed writing this one. Their story isn't over, yet I thought I would need an introduction, before I continue on with this troubled love story. Also, tell me your favorite parts so far, what has gotten you the most, interested. I hope I didn't lose some of my most constant readers, I love you all. Let's begin. - The author, Smuttress. 

Baek's P.O.V

     I sit next to Sehun, much like how we did when our romance first started. My hand on his thigh, and him focusing on something else. I smile as I eye, his jaw, his cheeks, and his beautiful eyes. His tall figure sitting up as straight as can be, even though we are in the first row. I admire the church we are sitting in, wondering if I will be the one up on the alter, or walking down the hall, I hope... with Sehun. I begin to chuckle, as these thoughts run through my head. As everyones lovely, soft whispers begin to dance around. It's a small wedding, Only me and sehun from the group... and the rest is family of the bride and groom, for safety reasons. I lay my head on Sehun, resting my eyes, feeling his suit against my face, I couldn't feel better. 

Sehun's P.O.V

     I sit nervously, god, I saw him...He's back. Baek, let's leave, let's go. I can't be here. I can't watch this, I... Sehun, calm down, I feel baek lay his head on me, my body begins to melt. I think I'm gonna lose it, I'm going to die. Here today, what am I gonna do.  Everyone begins to stand, baek standing next to me, I stand up, standing along side him, confused. I look to my right to hear, the music playing, and seeing Kai's beautiful wife walk down the isle. Baek grabs my hand, and a smile is planted on my face as I see her beauty walk to the man that has done nothing but try to help us. he's made mistakes, but we forgive him. After he told us what was going on, the day we woke up and were by each other. I couldn't help but hug him as he sobbed on the floor. A tear streams down my face, as Y/n passes by me, and their daughter holding the rings walks along side her.  She makes it up the steps, and stands next to our Kai. My body couldn't be more happy. Everyone begins to sit down, I do as well, and watch as the show begins. 

Chanyeol's P.O.V

     I look in the mirror, the bathroom empty. I lock the door, hanging the suit Kai had left on my door step. Can't believe he found me at my parent's house. Can't believe he would even try to find me. I look at my face, the black eye, busted lip, and shaggy long hair. I Grab the scissors and begin to cut. Leaving it still a bit long. I shave my face, and slip on the suit. I take a moment, and left up the shirt that isn't quite tucked in yet. I run my fingers along the bruised parts, seeing the healed cuts, a tear runs down my face. i run my fingers through my hair, taking in a deep breath. Chanyeol, you got this. You're gonna be fine, Kai said a new start. Kai, said he would help. Kai said, He loved you. Kai said, he needed you. I turn on the faucet, splashing the cold water on my face, I've got this. First time, I'm gonna see my best friend after, a year now....

Kai's P.O.V

"Do you take Y/n, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"- my heart pounding in my chest, I take a glance over to Sehun, and Baek. I see Baek holding my baby girl, I smile, a tear falls down my cheek. I look my beauty in the eyes, "I do..." Her smile light's up my world, The world falls silent, as my heart flutters with the most ultimate love.  "you may kiss the bride." my heart stops, as I lean in, and feel her soft lips press against mine. Everyone cheering and clapping, I being to laugh, holding my wife's hand, I turn towards the audience, I see him... standing in front of the doors. My breath gone, my heart lost, I can't help but run to him.... He runs back. Falling into a brothership bond of a hug, We sob into one another, "I've missed you Chanyeol." I feels everyone eyes on us, yet I don't mind them. 

"I, I, missed you too. " I break the hug to look at his face, "your hair has gotten long." he puts on a weak smile, I noticed the bruises on him. "What, happened?, we will talk about that later." 

I turn to  look to my left and right to the audience looking at us confusing, "LET"S GO PARTY" I say, everyone cheers, and we begin to leave. I walk to my wife, and introduce her to Chanyeol. 

Sehun's P.O.V

I grab onto baeks hand, I turn to him, He gives me a resuring smile, as we watch Chanyeol talk to kai's wife and daughter. 

Baek's P.O.V

I watch Sehun begin to panic, I do nothing but try to calm him down. People change, I have to remember that. Nobody knows the monster he was, we do... yet we never found out... the boy he was. 


How do you like this so far?,  I hope this is some refreshing stuff, I love you guys a lot. 

Com/vote/and follow. I would love to hear your guy's Predictions on where this story is gonna take itself, or what you guy's think about it. I would just love to hear from you. 

Your author- Smuttress .

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