Ch 11 - Caroline's Story

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"One of the Queen's maids, Caroline, was found dead outside the palace," the guard pauses in a moment of respect for the fallen maid and then continues. "She was found with multiple gun shots in the torso and a message was written in her blood, Your Majesty."

Maxon continues staring at the guard urging him to continue. The guard glances at me before whispering quieter in Maxon's ear. I just barely catch what he is saying, but I think he said, "We're coming for the Queen next."

Concern for Caroline, the innocent who died to pass an evil message, Audrey, the wounded who may never recover, Maxon and the kids, the extras who got caught in the cross-hairs, is the real reason why the world turns black as I fall to the floor. The last thing I see before I hit the floor, is Maxon's concerned face as he grabs me before my head hits the tile.

* * * *

"Let the Queen rest, she needs time to recover from whatever happened to her!" loud voices echo outside my room...they're strangely distorted...

"We need to keep the Queen somewhere safe. The message was pretty loud and clear what the rebels in Whites will do if they find her unguarded," a new yet farmiliar gravelly voice echoes in reply to the familiar, yet distorted first echo.

"America does not want to be locked away!" the voices grow louder and more intense.

"I promise you, Your Majesty, that this is for the Queen's own good." The reassuring second echo chimes in reply, smooth and quiet. It MAKES me want to agree with it.

"America will not be locked away and that's an order Mark!" I suddenly know where I have heard that voice before. I can practically feel the great will Mark Eady is using to not argue with the first echo.

"As you wish, Your Majesty," says Mark in a mocking tone. I hear his shoes click as they hit the tile. Then a small sigh is released before Maxon walks away in a different direction. I was about to call out for him to come back, but the blackness takes hold of me again and I grudgingly obey.

* * * *

"Shouldn't she have woken up by now?" a concerned voice pierces through the blackness.

"She'll come around in her own time," a calming voice answers in reply.

Some rustling follows until I hear the first voice whisper in my ear, "Come on, America, wake up! Our family needs you,"
his voice breaks before he continues, "I need you. Come back to me, my dear. I promise, when you wake up, I'll give you a tray full of strawberry tarts, or a music wing in the palace, or anything you want. Just please wake up."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, like I stated before, she'll come around in her own time."

Yes, I'll come around in my own time...

* * * *

This time when the voices interrupt me, the blackness is less like a blanket and more like a thick, heavy fog. "It's been almost three days, shouldn't she have woken up by now?" the concerned voice asks. I wonder who will answer in reply.

"She should wake up any day now..." answers a calm voice edged with worry.

"But wh-what if she doesn't wake..." This time I struggle through the fog, I can't stand the pain in Maxon's voice. I slowly drag myself out of the fog.

"Caroline?" I begin in a shaky voice, forgetting that I'm not supposed to know about Caroline yet.

"I was wondering what the cause of your blackout was," muttered Maxon before continuing. "I'm sorry darling, the rebels from Whites got her. Even if she was still alive when we found her, there would be no hope. I'm really sorry America, I knew you were close with your maids."

"Wh-what happened?" I answer.

"We'e not sure but this is what we think happend..." Maxon answers as he sits down beside me on the bed.

This part of Forgotten will be told from Caroline's POV. I tried to avoid using other character's POVs, but this will be the best way to tell Caroline's last night.

"Did you get the new material so Mary can make the Queen's honeymoon dress?" Audrey's impatient voice interrupted my thoughts.

"I did...did you get the thread?" I answer politely. Sometimes Audrey could be a bit annoying.

"Of course I did! I was only reminding you about the material because last time I didn't, you forgot to pick it up!"

"Please stop worrying about me, I'm fine!"

"Fine...anyway, we should head back to the truck now to get to the palace."

I consider this. I was really hoping to spend some free time in town before we had to return to the palace. Little did I know that if I had left with Audrey when she suggested it, I wouldn't have died that night.

"Please can we stay in town for just a bit longer?" I asked with puppy-dog eyes.

Audrey considers my suggestion until she agrees. "We haven't had a night for just us in quite a while...the Queen can wait a couple of hours, I suppose...ok, lead the way!" I smile. Audrey cannot resist a chance to walk around town and the power of the puppy-dog eyes.

We head toward Lilah's Bakery, owned by Lilah, who is one of Audrey's best friends. As we walk towards the main road, Audrey turns to look at me. "Caroline, it would be quicker to take the back allies tonight because the streets are very crowded." I feel myself start to shake. I hate taking the allies.

Audrey smiled at me in a comforting manner, "Don't worry, Caroline, I'll protect you." Although I don't trust the allies, I do trust my sister with my life. I finally give a slight nod of my head signaling Audrey to lead the way. She smiles at me encouragingly as she turns to the right.

The worst part of the allies is that they all look alike. Tall brick walls with graffiti and worn posters. Trash bins with dirty men swarming over the mounds, like giant rats. A dusty cobblestone road that twist and turns until you're completely and hopelessly lost. I shiver to myself and move closer to Audrey.

As we pass, some of the men turn to look at us, eyeing our palace-provided clothing. Audrey seems to notice this and she moves faster. We continue down the ally until I start to see the bright red trash bins that are behind Lilah's Bakery. I sigh and relief and walk faster.

We are almost at the bins when a strange, gravely voice intercepts us, "What do we have here, boys?"

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