Finale Part 2 - The Final Piece: Scars Make Your Beauty

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I hated watching the weekly reports when I was still a Five, and I still hated them when I was a member of the Selected. It wasn't until my family was a major part of the report that I actually enjoyed them. I loved watching Eadlyn start to learn how everything functioned, watching Osten and Kaden play rock-paper-scissors secretly, and, most of all, watching Maxon from a different end of the screen. I chuckled as I remembered how I though he was shallow.

While Maxon finished up his report, I glanced over at the Selected boys. I had hardly any time to get to know these boys, and I don't think I'll have time any time soon. I remembered the one boy, Henri, and his friend who acts like he isn't one of the Selected. I wondered if that was a strange new tactic. Whatever it is, he's still here so it worked.

Glancing over at my kids, I watch Ahren fiddle with something on his finger. He looked nervous and his gaze kept flashing over to Camille who would nod in encouragement.

Making sure that the cameras weren't pointing at us, I turned to Ahren and asked, "Is anything wrong?"

He tore his gaze from Camille in surprise and quickly replied, "No, I'm fine. Just...nervous."

"For what?"

"Well...I feel sick and I'm worried that I might throw up on camera," he said, beginning to talk faster, "Can I take Camille and quickly leave the set while the advisors are still talking?"

"Of course, just be careful," I said, concern lacing my voice. "And Ahren," I said as he started to walk away.


"You know I'll always love you no matter what you do, right?"

I saw him struggle for words before he nodded, tapped Camille on the shoulder, and they both left together. Glancing over to where the advisors sat, I met the eyes of Nobrey and Emma Rose, who both motioned for my maid Zoe. Shaking my head slightly, I offered a small smile before turning back to the advisor presenting.

I felt my heart start to thump at an irregular pace, but I ignored it, knowing that my family needs me.

* * * *

When I heard the taping of the rain on the roof, I glanced at Maxon, who glanced at me at the same time. He whispered something to the guards, before we walked off, the guards returning to their post.

Pulling the latch open, I glanced at the sunset and felt the warm rain trail down the back of my dress. Reaching my hand out, I helped Maxon get onto the slippery roof.

Staring into his eyes, I quickly pressed my lips to his before he started dancing. The music of the rain filled me up with happiness and contentment, and I almost forgot about Ahren.


Breaking apart, I looked up to Maxon's chocolate colored eyes and whispered, "Thank you."

"For what?" He asked confused.

"For everything."

* * * *

We didn't leave the roof until the rain had finished. Walking down the hallway, I didn't realize anything was wrong until one of the guards stopped and whispered something to Maxon.

Turning to him, I glanced in confusion. He waited for a second, a frown etched upon his face before he turned to me and hesitated.

"America, my dear."

Sighing slightly at the 'my dear,' I replied, "Yes?"

"Did you notice anything different about Ahren today?"

"Well, yes."

"According to the King and Queen of France, they eloped earlier this must've been right after the report. They're apparently on their honeymoon as we speak."

Suddenly, it all made sense. All I saw were Maxon's concerned eyes before I collapsed.

* * * *

I was standing on a hill that was so high, it seemed to touch the sky. Down below, I saw the palace's yellow walls and if I really squinted, I could see the tiny houses surrounding the palace. Glancing up, I took in the dark sky which was dotted with dancing orange stars. The moon sat next to the hill.

I felt a strange burning in my heart and my head was pounding. My heart was thumping at irregular beats, sometimes stopping completely, and I was breathing in heaved, labored breaths. My whole body hurt, as if someone had injected venom into my blood steam.

I imagined Maxon and what he would do in the situation, but I couldn't hold onto his picture for long before it was chased away by the pain and the strong winds blowing around the hill.

I remembered how the bravest people had scars to remind them of where they came, and somehow I knew this was going to leave a scar. But no matter how much it hurt, I wasn't going to give in. I was going to stay on this hill, for somehow I knew that if I was pulled away from the hill I would die.

But I held on for my family. Maxon, Eadlyn, Ahren, Osten, Kaden, my parents...

I held on for my friends. Marlee, Emma Rose, Nobrey, and all the other Selected girls.

But most of all I held on for my life, which I wasn't done living yet.

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