Finale Part 1 - Almost the End

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This is Part 1 of the finale of Gone But Not Forgotten and I can't believe how far I've come! I've been working on this story for almost two years now and never thought I would see this day. Thank you to everyone who patiently waited while I was recovering from my writer's block and everyone else who commented or offered support.

The finale is dedicated to all of you! :)

"So this is the great Queen America," one of the guards sneered in my ear as Jaren and I passed. I tried my best to look weak and defenseless like Jaren had told me, but I'm not sure it worked.

Walking down the hallway I noticed how bare the wall were: gray, dark, stone with deep ridges that looked as if someone had taken several handfuls out of the wall. Every yard or so, a small flickering lamp illuminated the barren, dull, walls. There were even some cells that are similar to my own, but I noticed that there was nothing in them even though there were swarms of guards guarding the area.

Shivering because of the damp temperature, I quickly hurried to follow Jaren.

* * * *

"So where exactly are we going?" I asked Jaren curiously.

He only shot me a look, warning me to stay quiet. I raised my eye brows in response and made a big show of checking the empty hallway for guard. I could hear him sigh in frustration and annoyance.

Finally, he said, "We're going to the control room to film your video."


"Your video, like the ones in a movie where they're sent to the love interest for a certain price (ie money or services) and then the lover rushes to sell all their belongings to save the damsel in distress," I scowled when Jaren used the phrasing damsel in distress, "And for you, since your a queen, we're expecting a high price...but what the King doesn't know is that you won't be returning to him least that's what Wolfson's plan is, but we don't like giving him what he wants. Instead we are going to film a video informing the King where you are."

Maxon. I missed him so much that I could hardly breathe whenever Jaren said "the King." I just want to be safe in his arms once again, home at last.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a blur...a blur that looked like Maxon! Stumbling down the hallway as fast as I could in my current state, I faintly heard Jaren ask me, "Where on Earth are you going? The control room is that way," but I continued to stumble towards Maxon...until I felt Jaren tackle me and pin me to the floor. I screamed and thrashed but he didn't move.

"Yes, sir," Jaren was mumbling to the guard standing down the hallway. "You see, sir, the prisoner was trying to escape and...yes, won't happen again," bowing his head in respect, he turned to me and yanked me to my feet, "Let's go prisoner!" Playing along, I whimpered as Jaren dragged me down the hallway, all the way to the control room.

* * * *

As soon as the control room door closed, Jaren turned to me, a trace of anger behind his eyes, "What on Earth was that? Do you want to be found out?"

"Maxon," I whimpered. "They have Maxon."

"Your Majesty, there was nobody other than us and that guard in the hallway. You were running straight for a wall."

"But, Maxon was there, I saw him..." and suddenly it all clicked. When Maxon and I were on the beach, he wasn't there, it was all an illusion. My heart ached for a second and I paused to catch my breath before I stood up, realizing I had been on the floor the whole time.

"Are you okay, Your Majesty?" Jaren asked in concern.

"Yes...and Jaren, whenever you go back to your family, can you lie this on Celeste's grave?" I passed him scrap of purple cloth from her dress that I had keep in my pocket ever since the day she had died.

"Of course," Jaren said stiffly, sighing before continuing, "You know, I was the main reason why you were targeted by Wolfson. I...well, thought that you were the reason why my sister died and I wanted revenge, so after leaving my family, I joined the one person who I though hated you as much as I did: Wolfson." He paused, considering something before continuing, "Do you know who Wolfson is, Your Majesty?"

"A gang leader?"

"No, who his parents are."

"Why would I know that?"

"Well," Jaren said, smiling slightly and turning his back to me, "His father is..."

"I don't want to know," I said stiffly.


"I'm done with my past. I just want to keep moving forward."

"Whatever you wish," Jaren said, but I could tell he was slightly disappointed. I wondered why.

"Anyway while you were asleep in your cell, I contacted someone."

"Who?" I asked curiously.

"A certain King," Jaren said smiling slightly.

"The King of France?" I asked confused.

Jaren just sighed and opened the control room door and in walked....

"Maxon!" I yelled, jumping into his arms, content at last.

It was then that I felt it, a feeling of completion. It's almost the end, but of what, I didn't know. Looking up a Maxon's face, his eyes are the last thing I see before everything fades to black.

Sorry this part is a little shorter, I just wanted to have the final conclusion in the final chapter (because that makes more sense).

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