Ch 14 - Lights, Camera, Action!

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"I'm sure Wolfson will be happy to hear that we finally have our hands on Queen America without even storming the palace!"

A strange voice pierced threw the black haze. Where was I? The better question is, how did I get here?

I slowly squinted open my eyes, making sure that to everyone else, I would still seem knocked out. I took a quick glance around my surrounds: I was in a cage of some-sort, perhaps intended for a dog, in a wooden cottage with no light except for the flickering candles scattered around the room. Sitting at a large wooden table was an old lady and a young man, probably younger than Maxon. They seemed to be having a very serious discussion about...something.

The old woman began to speak, "I hope we'll be rewarded handsomely for the capture of the Queen?"

"Of course. I'll talk to Wolfson when I deliver the Queen, and we'll transfer the correct amount over to your account."

The old woman smiled, "Well, thank you for coming over so quickly, Grayson. I told you it would be worth your while."

"You better have hoped it would have been worth my while...making me fly all the way from Whites to Crete? When Wolfson told me that it was urgent, I hoped it really was urgent, or else, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes." The man laughed an ugly laugh that seemed inhuman, and I instinctively shrunk back from the horrible sound.

That one sound suddenly brought everything back. I remembered the honeymoon, chasing after Maxon, getting lost in the woods, and finding the weird old lady sitting at the table with Grayson.

Grayson...where had I heard that name before?

Wolfson's gang! Grayson was the second-in-command for Wolfson's gang, the same gang that almost kidnapped Audrey and killed Caroline. It's all connected! The trouble in Whites and the gang coming after me are the same thing! I almost gasped out in shock, but quickly stifled it, hoping that Grayson hadn't heard.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the pain arose in black waves. It overtook me, and I almost yelled out, "Help me, I'm drowning!"

Or maybe I did yell out, because Grayson walked over to the cage and blew a handful of powder into the bars. I felt myself slipping beneath the black waves again, this time unconsciousness dragging me under, rather than pain. I gladly succumbed to its horrible wrath.

* * * *

I woke, tied to an uncomfortable chair. I looked around my surroundings: dark walls (a cave?), flickering ceiling lights,  no windows, heavy metal doors, guards standing in the corner.

I was in some sort of jail cell, with a small foldable bed handing off the wall, a small bucket in the corner, and no possible way out. At least my pain was more bearable.

I tried to move my hands to loosen the rope, hoping that all the movies I watched with Maxon would offer some guidance, but only succeed in alerting the guards of my awaken state. One of the two guards outside my door walked away, only pausing to talk to the jail keeper at the end of the hall.

Maxon...where was he? I'm sure as soon as I didn't catch him he would send guards to look for me, but I knew they wouldn't find me here. I was halfway across the Earth from him! I almost laughed at the irony of it all.

I was jolted out of my thoughts when the doors opened and one of the guards walked in, not speaking. He walked behind me, untied my hands, and left all before I had the chance to react.

I whispered a small pep talk to myself, "Come on, America! Maxon needs you!" With newfound determination, I looked around my cell for anything to help me out.

Other than the bed and the small bucket, the floor was empty with years of dust and grime covering it. I paused and took a deep breath before walking towards the bed. I remembered watching a movie once where the protagonist used a spring from her bed as a weapon.

Unfortunately, there were no springs.

It was then that I noticed the note.

A small, crinkled, yellowed piece of paper was hidden in the corner of the bed. I picked it up and almost gasped in shock. It was written in Caroline's handwriting!

The note read:

To whomever is reading this,

First, let me apologize that you are experiencing the horribleness of Wolfson's prison. I hope he hasn't taken you just as he had once taken me.

Let me tell you a small secret stranger, Wolfson...he's my husband. When we were younger, in order to protect my village's safety, we offered him whatever girl in the village he wanted. He chose me. I ran. He didn't recognize me in the alley when he found me, but I have my suspicions that he does now. He's never going to let me go again.

Second, if you can, please let Queen America know that I am sorry. I never meant to overstep my bounds, and I suppose this punishment is karma coming back to get me.

Third, tell Queen America to STAY AWAY. DO NOT ADVANTAGE ME OR GO LOOKING FOR ME. I suppose by the time you tell her this, I'll be dead and there's no point in chasing after a ghost. They have big plans for the Queen, and I know that whatever they are, they can't be good.

Fourth, please let my sister, Audrey, that I didn't want to leave her and that I'm sorry. I wish I could've ran away with her while I still could've.


The Queen's maid,

Caroline C.

I paused, considering everything Caroline had written. If this was true, whatever Wolfson had planned would not be good. I pocketed the note, planning on giving it to Audrey. Maybe she would finally be given some relief when she read her sister's last words.

"Pst...America?" A strange voice interrupted my thoughts.

I turned and was met with the too familiar guard's face. "What do you want?" I asked with as much venom in my voice as I could muster in my current state.

He paused for a moment considering, "Your Majesty, I'm Celeste's brother, Jaren, and I'm here to let you out."

"Why would you do that? What if you're just trying to lead me to Wolfson?" I asked confused.

"Wolfson is currently boarding his plane in Whites. He plans to fly down tonight and execute you tomorrow." Jaren said matter-of-factly.

"We're not in Whites?"

"No, we're actually in Angeles right now. You're extremely lucky that Grayson's plane broke down. We had to land here instead of Whites, which actually gives us the perfect opportunity of escape."

I paused absorbing everything Jaren just said. It sound too good to be real, but why would he lie about being Celeste's brother? Plus, I was too weak to escape this place on my own, so some help would be appreciated.

"Alright, tell me what to do." I said, ready to put on the best performance of my life.

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