Ch 13 - Welcome to the Jungle

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*NOTE* This chapter contains a picture. It's not essential, but I felt it added a new depth to the story.


"Alright you can open your eyes now!" Maxon said cheerfully.

We had been sitting in the back of the limo for over three hours after a five hour flight and I was about done with the honeymoon idea. I just wanted to get out and finally have the opportunity to stretch my legs. The only thing keeping me going was the promise of finally spending some quality time with Maxon.

I opened my eyes slowly, and gazed around at my surroundings. We were standing on a picturesque beach, the ocean a few yards away, with no tourists in sight.

"Maxon," I asked suspiciously, "Where are we?"

A smile broke out on his face. "We are currently on one of the many beaches of Crete, Greece."

I let the words sink in. Crete, Greece in New Asia? I huge smile broke out on my face. I turned to Maxon, "Last one in the ocean is a rotten egg." I kicked off my flip flops and then grabbed them as I dashed to the ocean.

Maxon laughed as I made a mad dash to the ocean, several times almost tripping over my own feet. I was so glad that I had worn a long sleeved blue shirt and jean shorts instead of a gown.

When I finally reached the water, I realized Maxon hadn't moved from his original spot. I turned question him, but was surprised when he yelled, "Smile!"

He laughed behind his camera, delight etched upon his face as he snapped pictures of me in the water. "Strike a pose, America!"

I decided to play along, smiling in some, frowning in others, playing with the water, my hands in my hair, standing looking at the horizon.

When I finished my photo shoot, I raced back up the beach to inspect the images. Maxon turned the camera towards me slowly, a smile on his face. "America, you're so beautiful when your just being yourself."

I looked at the image in his camera. The image was of me staring at the horizon, the ocean pulled back as it prepared for another wave. The photo was slightly blurry, but it added to the charm and meaning of the image. It reminded me of when I used to be a Five, completely unaware that my life was about to be changed for the better. My figure was full of hope and longing for the future, and I smiled remembering my carefree days.

When tears started to form at the corners of my eyes, I grabbed Maxon's hand and dragged him towards the ocean

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When tears started to form at the corners of my eyes, I grabbed Maxon's hand and dragged him towards the ocean. He quickly pulled off his shirt, took off his socks and shoes, and scooped me up.

"Maxon Schreave! Put me down right now or I swear..."

Maxon looked down at my flustered face. "What do you swear?"

That caught me off guard, I hadn't thought of anything yet. "Um, I will never dance in the rain with you again!" Maxon just amusedly shook his head. "Um, I will never give you another strawberry tart?"

"Nice try, that threat only applies to you, America."

Finally the perfect threat struck me. "I will take away your camera privileges!" I said with an evil smirk.

Maxon pretended to play along. "No, not my camera privileges! I am at your command, my lady. Whatever you wish shall be yours."

I slyly smiled. "Well first, good sir, you may put me down..."

I didn't even get to finish my sentence before Maxon hurtled me into the ocean. As soon as my head popped out of the water, Maxon ran.

Soaked and no longer amused, I yelled, "Maxon Calix Schreave! You are in so much trouble! You are lucky that I wasn't wearing anything important that couldn't get wet!"

I raced out of the water, my wet skin sticking to the sand. I knew I probably looked like a half-drowned cat, but I was too livid to care.

I saw him further ahead, racing into the dense trees by the beachside, and I hurried to catch up. "Maxon!" Where was he? He must be further ahead. I raced deeper into the trees, with no sense of direction except to find Maxon...where ever he was.

The trees became denser the more I ran until they completely covered the sun. I continued running until I couldn't see anything in front of me, which is when I finally called for defeat.

"Maxon? I give up, where are you?" I paused waiting for a reply. Nothing. "Maxon? Seriously, I'll let you keep your camera privileges!" I paused again and began to feel slightly nervous. "Maxon! This isn't funny! Please come out?" There was no reply.

The wind caused a stir of leaves to brush past my face and get caught in my already unruly hair. I shivered, regretting that I hadn't dried off before chasing after Maxon or at least grabbed a sweatshirt.

Calm down, America! The best course of action is to retrace your steps and find the beach again. I paused and took a deep breath. But how am I supposed to find my way back to the beach in pitch black? I could run into a tree or fall off a cliff for all I know! I could sit here to be rescued...but who knows how long that could take? By then I could have frozen to death.

Well, if I saw Maxon run into the woods, that means he may be close enough to hear me calling. I tried again, "Maxon Calix Schreave, I am not joking anymore! Get over here right now or I swear!"

"Who's making all that noise? Can't an old lady get a decent amount of sleep?"

I froze. That was definitely not Maxon.

A small flickering light began moving towards me, sometimes stumbling, but eventually I began to see the outline of an old woman wearing deep blue robes. "Who goes there? If it's that group of teenage vandals I will personally chase you off of my lot!"

Should I trust this stranger? She may be able to help me...but who knows who she is. She also may know the way back to the beach, and it would be much quicker to be guided back than to be stumbling around in the dark.

I decided to trust the woman. "Help me please! I'm over here! I'm lost and I can't find my way back to my husband, Max!"

The lady followed the sound of my voice until she came up close enough to see me with the lantern light. She was old, and had long wisps of gray hair that were determined to not stay in the knot they were tied in. Her clothes were worn and dirty, as if the forest and time had been cruel to her. She was several inches shorter than me, and had a cane with an engraving repeated over and over again on it.

"Why hello there," she said with a smile. "You are a pleasant surprise! I was worried that the vandals had come back to terrorize me once again. Why are you in the woods alone, honey, and what is your name?"

"My name is Ames, and I'm horribly lost." I gave her a quick summary of what had happened and how I had found myself horribly lost in the woods of Crete.

She smiled as I concluded my adventure, as if comforting me. "Ames, you say, is your name..." she glanced up at my face in the light of the lantern until realization dawned on her. "You're Queen America, aren't you?"

I pursued my lips. Should I tell her?

Her smile grew wider. "Don't worry, Your Majesty. I'll be taking good care of you." The lantern caused a cruel glare upon her face, disfiguring it and causing an evil glint in her eye. She slowly repeated herself, "I'll be taking good care of you."

Her face was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

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