Bonus Chapter - Strawberry Tarts

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I actually already planned this chapter with the intention of fitting it in the story, but I just couldn't find a place for it. Instead, I've decided to make it a bonus chapter that takes place around the finale.

Also, this chapter was originally two put together, but because it's a bonus chapter, I just combined them. So, that being said, this chapter is twice the normal length. Enjoy!

I glanced at the bottom of my empty teacup and debated asking one of the maids for more as I listened to Camille gossip about how things were going in France. All the ladies were spending the afternoon in the Women's Room and I couldn't imagine a better way to spend my day than sitting and chatting with May, Marlee, Lucy, Camille, Josie, and Eadlyn.

Placing my empty teacup on one of the maid's empty trays, my gaze wondered as Eadlyn excused herself to check on the boys. I was glad to see that Lucy seemed to be enjoying herself, especially since she seemed so down lately.

Standing up, I wondered to the window and gently slid one up, allowing the fresh air to creep in. Outside, I noticed the boys on the grass, their voices quiet like the launching of birds. They were all holding baseball equipment that I was sure Osten had stolen from somewhere.

As I listened partially to May, Camille, and Josie's excitement about the Selection (and Kile in particular), I watched a figure in a pale purple gown cross the grass to the other boys. I realized in complete shock that it was Eadlyn.

Leaning my head out the window, I heard the other lady's heels click as they walked across the floor to the windows, all crowding around to get a better look. We all watched together as one of the boys taught Eadlyn how to hold the bat and she took a couple of practice swings. Then stepping up to the plate, I watched as she tossed her heels and tiara in the nearby grass where a helpful maid came and picked them up.

"What's going on?" Josie asked in her normal know-it-all voice. I turned and gently raised a finger to my lips before I turned back to the scene below us.

Straining, I faintly heard one of the boys, Raoul, I think, gently coach Eadlyn how to stand around home plate and how to correctly position her hands to successfully hold the bat. I watched Eadlyn make small adjustments to mirror Raoul before turning to Hale, who was standing on the pitcher's mound.

Eadlyn really did try, I'll give her that. On her first two tries, her bat was too high. I almost started laughing when she was completely spun around on her third try. Leaning as far as I dared, I yelled words of encouragement to her, and I saw shock in her eyes as she realized we had been watching the whole time.

"Go Eadlyn!" I yelled. "Prove all the boys wrong! Hit the ball!"

"Go Eady!" May joined in.

"We believe in you!" Marlee added.

"Come on Eadlyn! Show those boys how we ladies play here in the palace!" Lucy screamed.

"Make us ladies proud!" Camille chimed in.

"Don't mess up," said Josie in a monotone voice.

I watched Eadlyn's shoulder's shake as she laughed and turned back to Hale. Silently praying, I watched amazed as she hit the ball and it began rolling along in the dirt. For a second, Eadlyn seemed frozen, but she quickly lifted up the edge of her dress and ran.

"Go Eadlyn!" We all chanted. "Keep running!"

We watched in delight as she ran not only to first, but to second too. The crowd (aka the ladies) erupted and several of the Selected boys, including Kile, ran up and congratulated her. Edwin even lifted her up and spun her around.

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