- planned escape -

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A/N: I am so sorry guys, it's a bit of a slow start but it gets better after the first few chapters. Please bear with me aha

Growing up, every demon, including yourself was taught about the dangers of entering the human world, not until you were 18, and specifically told to enter. It was the biggest, most important law of the underworld and everyone knew not to break it. It was always said humans were manipulative and dangerous, that they would take any chance to use you for their own selfish needs. Everyone you had ever known nodded along, not doubting it for a second and gossiping about those few who had left the underworld and joined the humans... outcasts. But not you. You were different, you wanted to know how exactly that these humans were such a threat. 

You, Y/N, are a 17 year old demon, turning 18 next week. It was compulsory of all demons coming of age that you will undertake your initiation, which included a fight against a higher level demon to show your skills and talents to those around you. They would judge your specialities and assign a job to you. You had been training since you were young to use your powers effectively, and you were among the strongest in your class. This made training easier than the usual student, and gave you a free pass every time a mock fight took place, as you could easily outsmart and overpower your opponents. Despite this, you were not liked, you were smart, skilful and a loner. No one spoke to you, having the impression that you were a cold and threatening girl, even though you were the most good-looking in your class. Your Y/H/C hair and Y/E/C eyes complimented your soft, subtle skin and slim form.

As a demon from your area of the underworld, you had an animal counterpart to your usual human looking form, you were a shape-shifter, among other things. Every demon had the ability to shift into a creature of its will, however you all had your preferred form. For you, it was a large cat, a black panther. You don't know why, maybe it was the strength you encompassed, or the way you moved with such grace, but you seemed most satisfied like that. Along with shape-shifting, every demon could also kill without touching, become invisible, teleport, and move in and out of dimensions. The only downside was that the anytime a demon used these powers, their eyes would become completely black, giving the signature demon eye and also making it harder to conceal your actions in the human world.

With the final initiation fight taking place next week, your schedule was extremely busy attending final training lessons with multiple teachers. However you knew you didn't want to attend. No. You would escape the night of the initiation, seeing as everyone would be distracted by the commotion and excitement, you could easily slip into the other dimension as soon as you were 18. There you would start a new life, disguised as one of the humans that were so despised here in your home land.

As you sit on your bed late at night, you think over every last detail of the escape. What you would take, where you would go and what you would do when you got there. You put some music on and hum along as you excitedly plan it all. It was easy, all you needed to do was travel through the dimensions, and into the human realm. From there, you were free to do whatever you wanted, and skilled enough to take on almost any challenge you were faced with. Although dimension travel was the difficult of all the powers you possessed, and you had only ever been taught it once, to ensure you were too inexperienced to use those powers, you were determined to leave this world.

"Great" you think to yourself, "I'm just going to have to figure it out for myself"

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