-devils hour-

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You had been watching them for around three days, laying low and keeping quiet. You were entertained when the 7 of them would stay up at night and discuss what had happened the day you met, who you could have been and whether or not they would ever meet you again. You were never far away from them though, keeping invisible and always staying within ears-shot of them. By now you had learned all of their names, and figured out who they were and what they did.

There was Jimin, the orange haired man. He was the shortest, and was always being bullied by the rest. Jin, he had light brown hair and broad shoulders and was the mother of the group, always looking after the rest and cracking bad jokes. Namjoon, the pink-haired man with cute dimples when he smiled, was the leader of the group, constantly keeping an eye on the boys and keeping them in line. Taehyung, with brown hair and teal highlights, was the jokester of the group, from what you could tell. He acted like a child and was constantly happy and playing around. Never far from him was Jungkook, he had dark brown hair and was the youngest of the boys, the maknae. Then there was Hoseok, a happy and bubbly boy with a bright smile, he also sported brown hair and was always keeping the mood light and breezy. Finally, came the mint-haired boy, Yoongi. He was tall and quiet around others, but with the other men, he was completely different. Loud and bubbly. They were collectively known as BTS and they were a music group, idols that danced and sang to entertain other humans.

You wantedto be a part of the action and interact with these fascinating humans, but youheld back to gather information and learn more of what humans where like beforeyou got too involved.It was Tuesday night, around 3:00am and you decided it was time to start involving yourself in their life, what better time than the devils hour? Feeling the black wash over your eyes, you slipped out of the corner of the living room in which you had been sleeping invisibly. All the boys were asleep, giving you the chance to look around and explore. You shifted into your favourite animal form, and began to look around the house. 

It was all pretty standard, kitchen, living room, dining room, bathroom. You had just entered the living room again after making a lap of the house when you accidentally knocked a lamp off of its table, cringing as it hit the cold ground. You pounced to stop the object as it rolled noisily down the hall towards the bedrooms of the 7 boys. You were so focused in stopping the source of the noise that you barely notice when the subtle sounds of stirring men begin to arise. Only when the lights of one bedroom are switched on do you look up. 

As if time were in slow motion, you notice the door beside you begin to open. With no time to think, you instinctively shift into a black wolf, your second favourite form, and a more believable form than a large black panther running down the hall. You form just in time for a confused and angry Yoongi to appear. You jump when he sees you, then proceeds to slam the door shut in terror. 

"What the fuck was that" you hear him mumble to himself from behind the door. "Your dreaming, your dreaming. You did not just see a wolf in your hallway." You internally laugh as you listen to his confusion. When he opens his door again, you are gone, letting him believe the lies he is telling himself. Instead you are teleported into his room, invisible and now watching him from his bed, which you have taken the liberty of lying down on as you watch the horror movie cliche' play out, laughing to yourself. 

"Okay, you were dreaming see?" he whispers again as he shuts the door, slowly turning around and walking back to his bed, switching his light off. You jump off before he can feel your presence and stand by his bed watching him fall back to sleep. Once you can see the shallow breaths of his sleep, you jump back up onto the bed and lie down at the bottom of the bed. Becoming visible again, you begin to drift off to sleep again, smirking at the shock you will inevitably give Yoongi in the morning.

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